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After a few weeks, Liv and I are going out to dinner. I know she's still on edge about having me around the kids after what happened with Michael, but I am here to assure her that I will never do anything to put her and my kids in danger. 

I arrive at my mom's house and the girls automatically greet me. I wrap them up in a warm embrace and kiss their cheeks. Every time I look at them, I see how much they resemble my wife. I love my girls, but I wouldn't mind another boy.

"Girls, remember what I told you about getting the door? Always let me do it." I hear her say as she walks out of the kitchen. 

"Hey...you ready?" I ask as she nods her head. I admire her figure and I can see her slightly blush. Liv has always been one to get back after having babies, and now that the twins have officially hit 7 months, I think it's time for us to try for one more. 

"Okay, girls, you know the rules

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"Okay, girls, you know the rules. Please don't make grandma call me and Daddy. We will see you beautiful queens tomorrow. Give me kisses." She tells the girls as they kiss her and we head out. 

Tonight will be a good night, with no interruptions or distractions—just the two of us. 


"I missed you. I know I might've overreacted when you fought Michael but I haven't seen that side of you in forever. It just took me back to the past and that specific night and that is something I never want to remember. I know you wouldn't put me and the kids in any kind of danger, and I appreciate and love you deeply for that." I tell him as I hold his hand. 

"I missed you too

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"I missed you too. You had every right to react the way you did. You rarely see me like that and I know it was harder since the kids were watching as well. That night shouldn't be a night you have to relive. It was traumatizing for me and you, and yes, I will always do everything in human power to keep you and the kids safe." He tells me as I wipe my slight tears. 

He always knows the way to my heart, because he pulled up to the place we first met. At this restaurant, Sushi Symphony.  He was here with his boys and I was here with my girls, and ever since then, we've been married. 

We get seated and look at the menu, ultimately deciding to order everything here because why the fuck not? This a rarity that mom and dad have date night so we might as well make it worth the while, right?

"So, I made sure that I had someone guard my door and make sure that Michael didn't come anywhere near me. I also think I need to file a restraining order against him because I do not feel safe around him." I tell him as he nods. 

"So, what do you think about another baby? I know we talked about it, and I feel like I am ready to try again. I know we agreed on 5 kids, and we already have 4, so you better hope it's a boy." I ask and tell him as the waiter comes with our food. 


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"I'm down, but it's up to you baby. You're the one carrying for nine months, and you're the one who is going into labor for god knows how many hours. If you're ready, then I'm ready. Yes, I am praying so hard that this one's a boy." He says as we eat. 

I love this man with all of my heart and dinner is amazing. I never knew that I needed a night out without the kids until this happened. I know we're both busy, but sneaking in a date night shouldn't be an issue. I am ready to go home and get pampered by my man. 


Spencer doesn't deserve her, I do. My question is why do all the good girls go for ugly and insecure men? She deserves someone who genuinely cares and isn't worried about what people think. 

Yes, If I want to touch my boss, I can. If anything, we're friends more than anything. Spencer was just overreacting and I am tired of walking on eggshells around him, so I am going to court to file a report. 

I am hoping that I am also helping Liv so that she can get out of that abusive house and come live with me. I won't lash out and hurt her, if anything, I just want to love her. She is mine, and she will be mine.

"Hey Ka'leen? Didn't you say that you were looking for a side hustle this summer?" I ask her as she nods her head. 

"Well, I remember one day that Liv was talking about how she needed a nanny, and I know you have experience with kids. Please, do this for me?" I ask as she gets off the couch. 

"No Michael, that's wrong. I'm not doing this to get you some inside information...wait, actually, fine. You have yourself a deal." She says as she smiles. 

She can't resist. She likes Spencer, and I like Olivia. I say we have a great thing going and no one can stop us. We prepare to go to the courtroom when we see Spencer and Olivia leaving a sushi restaurant, I feel my blood boil. 



CHAPTER QUESTIONS: Should they hire Ka'leen as a babysitter/nanny? Should a restraining order be placed against Michael? Did Spencer overreact?


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