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"What do you mean he has a restraining order against us? He was the one who came on to me. If anything, I should be the one that has the restraining order." I tell our lawyer over Zoom. 

"Well, Spencer did put his hands on him which gives him a reason why he filed it. I spoke with his lawyer, and she said that the only way to get his order revoked was to take him to court." Our lawyer Marie tells us. 

We woke up this morning and were hit with the news that he decided to file this order. It put me in a bad mood because I feel like this was all caused because of me and if I never would've hired him, none of this would've happened. 

"Okay, if that's what we have to do, we'll do it. Anything to make sure my wife is safe and that he doesn't come anywhere near us." Spencer said as I nodded my head, right then and there, we set a court date for next week, but right now, we need to go get the kids from my mom. 

"You know it's for the best right?" He asked as we hopped in the car

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"You know it's for the best right?" He asked as we hopped in the car. I am not one to do things to hurt people and I want to see Michael grow in his career, but touching me when I said no is taking it too far. 

"Yeah, I know. Let's go get the kids, and do something, so I can take my mind off this whole situation." I tell him as we make our way.

I know Michel meant no harm, but coming on me after I repeatedly told you no, it pisses me off. I just hope that we can have a genuine conversation and he understands where I am coming from. It is never my intention to make my coworkers feel unhappy or uncomfortable, hopefully, we can get past this. 


Liv and I decided to take the kids to one of their favorite restaurants, The Sugar Factory. They love this place and it brings smiles to our faces when we see them super happy.  I know we also needed a family date, so this is one. 

"Mama, Daddy told me that we may be getting another sibling. Are you pregnant again?" Lani asks as Liv just stares in shock and Angel repeats the last phrase of that sentence.

 Are you pregnant again?" Lani asks as Liv just stares in shock and Angel repeats the last phrase of that sentence

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