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Today is my first official day on the job, and I am nervous. I know I probably have nothing to worry about, but I honestly want to make sure I look good, so I texted Spencer, and we ended up talking for a while. 

"Rate my fit, on a scale of 1-10, I wanna make sure that I look decent at least

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"Rate my fit, on a scale of 1-10, I wanna make sure that I look decent at least.....Delivered.

"Hell yeah, you look hella decent, if you were going to a pool party, come on, I know you can do better....Delivered."

"Lol, okay, I'll see you at the stadium....Delivered."

I know that I need to look my best, so I throw on a white top with skorts (skirt and shorts). 

I get my things, and head to the stadium

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I get my things, and head to the stadium. I know that I will probably attract tons of men, but I just want to do my job to the best of my abilities, and if I do get into a relationship, and or start gaining feelings for someone, then I do. 

I walk into the stadium and make my way to the locker room. I appreciate Coach Reed giving me full access to everything because I know he didn't have to. I set my things down and take in the scenery.

"I recognize that face." I hear as I turn around. I chuckle as I walk up to him.

"Hey Spencer, nice catch out there," I tell him as we talk for a good 20 minutes. 

We wrap up our conversation and I get ready for work. Spencer is attractive, but I know he's taken. So, I'll try and stay away even though I cannot promise anything. I just hope that he's ready for the ride. 


Working with Olivia is like a calm breeze. She understands me 100% and we work great together and she is such a badass. I love seeing her on her grind and it makes me happy that she loves working with me as well.

"Hey Michael, how's your week been?" Olivia asks as she walks into the office. 

"It's been good, better now that I'm here working with you," I tell her as she chuckles.  

"You're a trip

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"You're a trip. Get to work." She tells me as I walk into my office. Liv is fine and she knows it. 

I know she has a husband, so I will keep my space and I am here as her friend. Her husband seems like a cool dude. I want to get to know him because I feel like we could be good bros. I wrap up my meeting and head out to lunch. 


"Hey Michael, Spencer is coming by the office and I will be in a meeting, do you think you can keep him occupied?" She asks me as I nod my head. 

"Yeah, no problem. You know I gotchu." I tell her as she grabs her computer and heads to the conference room. 

I see Spencer walk in the door and I prepare myself

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I see Spencer walk in the door and I prepare myself. He looks around and sees Liv in a meeting. I gather my things and make sure that my office is neat before going out there and meeting him. We saw each other briefly, and it seemed like he had a hint of jealousy, and it's good to know that I am competition for him.


Today's practice was good, but honestly, I am ready to take my wife out to dinner. I see Michael approaching me and I roll my eyes. I know he's trying to get into Liv's pants but it's not happening on my watch. 

He walks up and dabs me up and we start a conversation. He seems like a cool dude, and I just don't like the idea that he's working with my wife. We have a good conversation and I see Liv come out of the conference room. 

"Hey baby, I missed you." She tells me as we pull each other into a kiss. 

"I missed you more

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"I missed you more. You ready to get outta here?" I ask her as she nods her head. 

"Let me go put my stuff down and I will be ready." She tells me as I follow her into her office. 

"Michael, thank you. I hope you and Spencer had a great conversation, and I hope that you have a great weekend." She tells him as she laughs at my face. 

He gives her a head nod and walks back to his office. She slaps my shoulder as we walk to the car. Yes, I can be petty sometimes, but I don't play about my wife. She's mine and no one is going to break that. 

"Babe, be nice next time. I know you don't like him, but he's been super helpful for the business and hey, the more he's here, the more I can take off and spend time with you." She tells me as I grab her thigh. 

"I like the sound of that," I tell her as she blushes and I pull out the parking lot. 

We head home and get prepared for our date night, not knowing what the night would bring. I just knew that tonight's soul focus was us because our anniversary is next week. I have some things planned and I know they will be worth it...


How do we feel about Ka'leen and Michael?


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