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Spencer James is something else. Confronting my sister just for being flirty is so fucking childish. I get he's married, but it wouldn't hurt to have fun. She was just making it known that he was attractive. He could take that as a compliment. 

Working for his wife though is a different story. Liv is so hardworking, and she is a good person to be around. I don't understand how she is with a man like him when she can have someone like me. Since I am working right next to the boss, I have to make a good impression, so I stop to get us coffee on the way to work.

I walk in and don't see Liv in her office. She's told me that only people close to her can call her Liv, but I think we are pretty close. I ask around the office to see if anyone has seen her when I see her and Spencer walk in. 

"Babe, that was so sweet, thank you." She tells him as he eyes me.

"Anytime, okay, I guess this is where I leave you, but I will be back for lunch. Your usual?" He asks as she smiles. 

She nods her head and they kiss making me nod my head in defeat. I think I am truly gaining feelings for this woman, and one of these days, I will show her what she is missing because being married to a bum like him must suck. 


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Michael hasn't talked to me all morning, and I need those documents on the Millers. I have to meet with Spencer for lunch in 10 minutes, so I decided to walk into his office and get the documents myself. 

I see he's on the phone, so I politely wait for him to finish talking to ask him what I need. He gets up out of his seat, comes around to where I am, and places his hands on my waist. I push him off, confused as to what he's doing. 

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask him as he smiles. 

"Shhhh, don't worry about that

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"Shhhh, don't worry about that. I know you enjoy it. That's what you came in here for." He tells me as I push him off me. 

"No, the hell it's not! I came in here for the Millers' documents. Don't try shit like that again, it won't in well. Job wise and life wise, and my husband will know about this." I say as I walk out of the office wiping tears down my eyes. 

Did I make the wrong choice by hiring him? He's a nice person, but what he just did was so out of line. I am married, and I have made it clear multiple times that I want no one but my husband. Spencer and I are in love, and I don't know, maybe he just got too caught up in the moment. 


As I am sitting in the car waiting for Liv and I's order to be finished, I think about how last night, Ka'leen forced herself onto me. I changed my mind and plan on telling her during lunch today because she needs to know shit like this. As soon as I decide to call her, our food comes out and I make my way to the office. 

The first person I see when I walk in is Michael. His jealous ass wants Liv so bad that I wouldn't be surprised if he tried to make a move on her. I walk to her office and shut the door, knowing we need all the privacy we can get. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" I ask as she approaches me with tears in his eyes. 

"Spencer, I am so sorry

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"Spencer, I am so sorry. Michael, he...he made a move on me. He put his hands on my waist and I just felt so bad. I pushed him off, but I feel like such a bad wife." She tells me as I stand up and pull her into a hug. 

"Liv, you are not a bad wife. If anything, you're a hell of a badass. I am not mad at you and there is no need to apologize. If it makes you feel any better, I kind of figured he'd make a move rather sooner than later. I also have something to tell you." I say as we laugh and then get back to talking. 

"I know you probably figured out that I went to Ka'leen's last night, but I told her off, and she had the nerve to make a move on me. I pushed her off of me and told her that I am a happily married man, and she was mad about that, so if anything, I am the one that should be saying sorry, and apologizing for being such a shitty husband." I tell her as we forgive each other and share a kiss. 

We sit together and eat lunch just the two of us

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We sit together and eat lunch just the two of us. I love this woman to death and I will do anything to keep us thriving. Protecting her and my kids is my main priority. 

I love Liv and I know that I have risked our marriage multiple times, but this time, it feels different. We've both grown and we've both grown to know each other. Communication is key, which is what we never had in the past. 

Counseling has helped, and everything is going perfectly. I just hope that Michael doesn't try and make another move on my wife because I will be beating his ass. She is mine and I am hers. Ka'leen better understand and so should Michael. 


Chapter Questions: Will Michael make another move on Liv? Will Spelivia find out that Ka'leen and Michael are related? Another baby for Spelivia? Is their communication better than it was before?


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