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Since the last court hearing didn't go as planned, I decided to dig deeper and hit where it hurt. I hate to do this to Olivia, but it has to be done. She can't always look like the good cop. Everyone has a past. 

"Okay, Mrs. James, I have some questions to ask you. I know these might be hard to remember but try your best. So is it true that when you were 19, you went and got an abortion?" My lawyer asks as I see Liv squint and look at her harder. 

"Yes, that is true

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"Yes, that is true." She states that as some of the jury members in the room gasped. 

"Hmm, why did you get an abortion in the first place? I thought you were for the life of all children. I mean, you're constantly advocating for children to live and have a life which is crazy because you did what you did." Kerry stated as Liv sighed. 

"Objection!" Their lawyer Annalise says as Judge Sampson denies Kerry's question. 


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"Alright. Let me ask a different question. Do you regret what you did? You seem like the type to do things and do them without meaning...just like this careless thing you chose to do." Kerry states as Liv starts to mess with her fingers. 

"I do, I think about it constantly. It was never my intention to get rid of my child. I was not too fond of it, but I was in an unhealthy relationship where I had to choose to either get an abortion or die. So I was in a life or death situation, where I had to make the best decision." She states as our lawyer chuckles. 

Kerry is smarter than she looks. She has the brains, the knowledge, and the looks, which is why I knew she'd be perfect. This goes on for quite a while until it's time to take a break. Today is all about cracking Liv. Thank the Lord I can't go up there because I know some filthy shit is on me...it's gonna hurt when Spencer goes up there, but in the end, it'll be all worth it.

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