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Spencer told me he would drop Lani off at the house, and I nodded. I am heated that we are in this situation, and I blame myself 100%. As a mother, I am supposed to know my children's every move and I didn't. 

Angel is up and responsive, which is great. She's talking, playing, and eating, which are good signs, but I can't bear to see her like this. Spencer walks back into the room with food in his hand, and I could not be happier. We wait for Angel to go back to sleep and then we have a mini-hospital date night. 

"Lani wanted me to tell you that she's sorry and that she will do anything to protect her siblings." He tells me as I slowly stop eating. 

"She's so caring. I'm not mad at her or anything, it's me that I'm pissed at Spencer. I feel like I have been so MIA lately that I have been missing all the signs, and as a mother, I should know what's happening with her." I tell him as I start playing with my food. 

"Babe, why didn't you tell me? Liv, don't put this on yourself. You're an incredibly hardworking mom who gets her shit done for this entire family. If I'm being honest, you're the breadwinner and the man of the house." He tells me as I wipe some of my tears. 

We finish off dinner and cuddle on the couch

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We finish off dinner and cuddle on the couch. I feel so helpless and the thought of losing Angel is prominent in my mind. If Lani didn't come get us, we could've lost my baby. This is one of the hardest things we have to go through, and I am ready for her to come back home. 



Angel can officially go home today and I feel such a sigh of relief. This trip was supposed to be fun but it ended up with us in the hospital, but thanks to Darnell, we can stay an extra week just to make sure the kids have a good time. 

"Okay, I believe I've got everything. We just need to go and pick up her medication and we should be fine." I tell Liv as she's distracted by a message on her phone. 

Ever since going back to work, she's been extremely busy and I am honestly a tad bit angry that she's more focused on work. I get that she has a deadline, but it wouldn't hurt to just skip it. Angel is coming home, she should be focused on that. 

"Cool baby, You can head out to the car, I have to take this phone call but I'll be right out when I'm done." She tells me as I suck my teeth and walk Angel to the car. 


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"Yeah, yeah, okay. I'll send them over when I get to the house, you're so welcome. Bye," She says as she gets in the car. I just stare at her until she asks me a question.

"What?" She asked as I started the car and headed to the nearest CVS. I need to say what's on my heart and right now, I don't care if it hurts Liv, she needs to know how I feel. 

"You know, I've been letting it constantly slide, but now, I'm done

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"You know, I've been letting it constantly slide, but now, I'm done. You are so damn captivated by your damn job that you haven't been able to spend time with me or the kids. Hell, most of the time while we were with Angel, you were "supposedly" working... why the fuck is your job more important than family?" I asked her as she scoffed and shook her head. 

This is about to get ugly and I can already sense myself sleeping on the couch tonight. I definitely bit off more than I can chew and I regret it. I know she is working hard, my ego just needed attention and wasn't getting it. 


Where is all this coming from? He told me that he was fine with me going back to work and now he's acting like this? All of this is bullshit and I don't understand why I cannot do one of the things that makes me happy. 

"What the hell Spencer, keep your voice down, Angel's sleeping. First off, you have no goddamn right to talk to me like that. I was the one who held this fucking family down while you were out having sex with other people and playing football. I was the one who miscarried, I was the one who was with the kids 24/7, and I was the one who picked up your slack, so before you go bashing me about why I'm working so hard and why I am constantly so busy, think about why...I had to make sure you looked good. I put my job on hold FOR YOU...I have every right to be happy about my job...gosh, I cannot believe that just came out of your mouth, and if you must know, family is my main priority and I suggest you make it yours." I tell him as we pull up to CVS and I get out of the car and slam the door. 

I was excited and ready for a good day today, and so far, it's been shit

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I was excited and ready for a good day today, and so far, it's been shit...I don't even want to tell Spencer that I'm 2 weeks after he said all that. The fact that he would question me is crazy. I put up with his bullshit for so long and I was more of a parent than he was. I grab a few pregnancy tests and Angel's medicine then head back to the car. 

Can this day get any worse???


Chapter Question: Who was in the wrong? Spencer or Olivia? 

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