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Layla and Ryan are finally gone and the bomb she dropped on us was completely unexpected and hurtful. Her reasoning for this was outrageous since she was gone for most of Lani's childhood.


"So, I know I told you guys that I am here for Mother's Day, but I am also here for another reason. I've done some long and hard thinking, and this decision was not easy, but it is for the best." Jordan states.

"Okay, spill it Jordan. We don't have all night." Spencer says getting pissed off at this whole conversation.

" Spencer says getting pissed off at this whole conversation

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"Well, I have decided to file for full custody of Lelani. You guys keep me away from my daughter and the only thing I want is to get to know and watch my baby grow. It is not up for discussion, the guy will be here with papers either sometime tomorrow morning or afternoon." Jordan states, gathering her things and walking out.

"Bye, dinner was great by the way!" She says heading out the door.


"LIV, can you believe this shit? She can't do that. After not being present in her life, now she wants to take her away, that's my daughter!" Spencer says and I can tell that he's aggravated.

"I know baby, but yelling and screaming isn't going to do anything. So let's just call it a night and tomorrow, we'll deal with it okay?" I say as he nods his head and guides us to the bed.

If anything I'm the one that should be upset since this was not one of the planned Mother's Day surprises. Spencer and I have been raising Lani since she was little and then Jordan vanished and came back out of the blue. She can't take my baby and I will make sure of it.



"Babe, come back to bed. It's 5 am." I heard Liv say as she kissed my shoulder.

Last night consisted of a lot of tossing and turning, going in and out of sleep, nightmares, and just so much more in between

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Last night consisted of a lot of tossing and turning, going in and out of sleep, nightmares, and just so much more in between.

"I know Liv, I'm sorry. Go back to sleep baby, don't let me wake you." I tell her as she gets out of bed and sits on my lap. 

"Spencer Alonso James, you know I love you. I love every single piece, inch, and ounce of you but one thing I hate is when you beat yourself up for shit you CANNOT control. Neither of us saw this coming, okay? I know how much you love Lani, and you know how much I love Lani. We won't let her take our baby girl without a fight." Liv says as she looks into my eyes.

I know she's right but I can't help but think that this was all my fault

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I know she's right but I can't help but think that this was all my fault. Beating myself up isn't going to help anything, getting some sleep on the other hand will. When the papers are served, we'll deal with it. 


"Dada, morning!" Angel says as I walk downstairs to the kitchen. Sleeping in was just what I needed and I greatly appreciate Liv for letting me do that. 

I walk around the countertop and give out my daily morning kisses starting with Angel. As I make my rounds, Lani refuses to make eye contact with me reminding me that we need to have a conversation, like now. I make my way to Liv and grab her waist. 

"Thank you for letting me get some sleep. I needed it desperately. You working today?" I ask her as she nods her head. 

"I am. I have a few clients to show, so I should be finished by lunchtime. If not that then mid-afternoon. Also, don't thank me, baby, I know how much you needed it. You know I got your back.  Oh and one more thing, Michael's back at work." She tells me as I just nod my head. 

Having him back at work means more drama and more shit. This whole custody battle is stressful and now this, fuck it. I can never seem to get a break, none of us can. Life has been such a shit show, I wouldn't be surprised if something unexpected happens. 


Spencer thought he could get rid of me, but I have connections. I was able to get my job back at work so now it's time to initiate plan b. I followed Liv to the gym, and I know a little run-in never hurt anyone. 

As I follow her inside, I make sure that I am not directly on her heels but I'm close. She goes into the cardio room and gets on the treadmill. I get on the one next to her startling her out of her mind. 

"OH MY GOD! Jesus Michael, you scared the absolute shit out of me, and since when do you go to this gym?" She asked as I chuckled. 

I ignore her and keep working out. I want her to think that I'm not paying her any mind, so when I finish I make sure to leave a note on her car.

"Watch your back, bitch!"


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