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Surprise, surprise bitches! I'm back. This was not how I was planning to return but my daughter needed me so Mommy to the rescue. I figured Lani would get tired of Liv soon, but not this damn quickly. So here's a quick little update about my life. 

I recently got remarried...yes! Go me..and my husband and I are expecting our first baby together. What's the catch you might ask, well one Lani doesn't know about the pregnancy, and two, I'm married to Liv's ex-fiancee.

I thought that showing up would be a great Mother's Day surprise considering Lani is MY daughter so here I am...that's it.

"You gonna let me in, or are you just going to stare at me?" I ask as Spencer hangs his jaw low. 

"Baby, who's at the...door. Jordan, what uh, what are you doing here?" Liv asks confused and angry to see me at the same time. 

"Well since you asked, my daughter texted me a few days ago saying that she missed me and wanted me to come rescue her, so I'm here, and what better day than on Mother's Day right? So, where is my little princess?" I ask as I make my way into the ...

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"Well since you asked, my daughter texted me a few days ago saying that she missed me and wanted me to come rescue her, so I'm here, and what better day than on Mother's Day right? So, where is my little princess?" I ask as I make my way into the house. 

They never said I could come in but I don't have time to waste, so it's going to have to be what it's gonna be. Not everyone is going to like me and I am going to take that as a good thing. I am here for me and my daughter, not all of these other people, well I guess Spencer as well. 


"Mommy, I want a snack...can I pwease have a snack?" Angel asks as I nod, walk into the pantry, and give her something good to keep her occupied. This was so unexpected considering I was about to make my pregnancy announcement. 

I forgot that Jordan has never met our younger ones. She knew I was pregnant with Angel but has never seen her or the twins, which I am grateful for in some sense. She's caused pain that we cannot fix and now she shows up here again, something's up and I feel it. 

"Let's cut the shit and be honest, why are you here in my house?" I ask her as she looks dead at me and I feel bad as she looks like she's gonna cry. 


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