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I haven't said anything to my dad and Liv since the disagreement earlier. I don't understand why I can't have a change of heart. She's my mom and I'm her daughter. I have a right to see my mother, and Olivia isn't that. 

I love her don't get me wrong, but she only came into my life as a child. We don't have a real good connection because she didn't birth me. She has her kids, so let me go back to my blood-related mother. 

"Lani honey, please come downstairs, it's time for dinner." She tells me as I slowly get out of bed. 

As I make my way downstairs, I see my dad and Liv share a kiss which disgusts me more than you would expect. I feel like he abandoned my mother and left her to be with Liv. It's not her fault, we all have options. 

"Ugh, can y'all get a room?" I ask as they laugh and ignore me

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"Ugh, can y'all get a room?" I ask as they laugh and ignore me. 

NO ONE and I mean NO ONE wants to see all of this lovey-dovey mess. I know that they are in love, but keep that to yourself. Anyway, maybe if I just eat and go take a shower, they'll stop trying to talk to me and pick my brain. I shoot my mom a text and make my way to the table. 


My poor baby. She seems like she's miserable over there. I hate how unhappy she is, and I will make sure my baby gets all the love and happiness she deserves. Spencer and Olivia are great parents from what I've seen, but you can't parent another woman's child, it's just common knowledge. 

Seeing Olivia care for my daughter makes me furious. She's mine, not hers. I know it's my fault that I was absent for most of Lelani's life, but I didn't want someone to completely take over my role. I picked up the phone and called Lani just so I could hear her voice. 

"Hi, sweet girl! How's it going over there?" I ask her as she sighs. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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