C H A P T E R ~ 1

63 0 0

Navy brook routledge

I was currently in a taxi on my way back to obx after leaving to get a break after finding out about my farthers death. Big John. We didn't have the best relationship as I grew older. He preferred John B, my twin brother, way more than he liked me. He always used to say that I reminded him of our mother. I couldn't remember what she looked like because she left when me and John B were just 8 months old.

My farther died when me and John b were just 16 shortly before we turned 17. I left a month before our 17th birthday. The pogues all tried to reach out to me but I needed space and time to my self so I just ignored them for the first few months until they all stopped trying.

Apart from JJ, he went on a bit longer than the rest. He only stopped calling me about a month or two ago. And that's when I knew I had to come home.


The taxi was now nearly at figure eight. The kook side of the island. They're all stuck up snobs if you ask me. But as I was staring out the window I noticed we were getting closer and closer to the cut. My home.

After about 15 minutes of driving through the cut we reached the Chateau. I took a deep breath before paying the driver and getting out of the car and getting my bags.

I walked around the back and expected them to be sat on the porch or the dock but they weren't. The Twinkie was on the drive so I knew they were here so I then decided to head inside.

I could hear them all in John Bs room so I placed my bags by my door and walked towards his room exited to see my friends again.

I took a shaky breath of nerves for their reaction and opened the door.

I walked in and smiled at them and they all looked at me shocked.

"Sup brother"
"The one and only" I replied whilst he ran to me and engulfed me into a bone crushing hug. But I didn't care. He was family.

He pulled away and placed both hands on my shoulders before saying " I can't believe it. You came back. I thought I had lost you" "can't get rid of me that easily bird" I replied whilst giving him a hug once again.

I pulled away and was quickly pulled into another hug by pope. "Your a complete idiot brook you know that right" he said holding onto me. "Yes Pope I know" I chuckled and pulled away going to Kie and pulling each other in tight embrace. "I missed you girl" I said into her shoulder. "I missed you to shit head" she chuckled back.

There was only one person left. JJ. I knew me leaving would be hard on him as I was the closest with him out of everyone in the group. Apart from John B.

"Hey trouble" I said opening my arms for him to give me a hug but he just ran a hand through his hair and stormed out to the dock.

I let out a sigh and turned to face the group.

"I fucked up didn't I"
"Oh definitely yeah" they all said in unison.

"Fuck" I said rolling my head back and walking out after him.

I walked out onto the porch and saw him sat facing the water at the dock next to the HMS Pogue. God I missed that boat.

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