C H A P T E R ~ 24

14 0 0

Navy Brook Routledge

"See you later boys" I shouted to my brother and boyfriend as I grabbed the keys to my bike and walked out the front door before either of them could stop me.

They had no idea where I was going. I don't think.

Anyways I jumped onto my bike then headed to my destination.

As I drove I felt the warm summers air hitting my face. I knew I would have a little sunburn when I get there as me being me forgot to put on suncream. Idiot.

But I was in a rush to leave before the 2 idiots could figure out where I was going.

As I drove down the road I saw Cleo and Pope outside Hayward's shop.

"HEY LOVE BIRDS" I shouted as I waved at them. "HEY GIRL" Cleo shouted waving back. "I HATE YOU NAVY" I heard Pope shout causing me to giggle as I turned a corner and headed towards figure 8.

As I got closer and closer to my destination I started to get a little nervous of how this would go.


I had finally reached where I was headed.

I got off my bike as I parked up on the driveway and walked up to the large white glass doors before knocking.

"Ah Navy what a wonderful surprise. You finally decided to go out with me" I heard a to familiar voice causing me to roll my eyes. "Oh piss off Rafe. Is Sarah here?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"No she's not" he replied back following my actions. "She's in the kitchen Navy" I heard Rose speak from behind Rafe causing me to push him aside and make my way to Sarah. "Thank you" I smiled to the blonde woman as I walked past her.

"You wanted to talk so talk" I sighed as I sat opposite Sarah at the breakfast bar.

"Look Navy I am really really sorry. I know I fucked up I do and I know sorry probably won't cut it..." "yeah you got that bit right" I muttered under my breath. "Please just listen to me okay." She started before taking a long breath.

"So basically Topper and Kelce were hanging out with Rafe drinking and Smoking. I was having a really shitty day so decided to teal a few of their beers and I hadn't eaten nearly all day and I got drunk then topper came to see if I was okay because I fell over and there was a really loud bang then after that my minds fogged I just remember waking up the next day next to topper and John B had blocked me" the blonde girl said as faint tears started to prick from the corners of her eyes.

"Wait wait you don't remember hooking up with topper?" I asked. "No not one bit of it I don't even remember John B walking in on us. I was black out drunk and I don't know why because I was fine until..." she paused as I watched something that looked like realization.

"You don't think..." I started but cut myself off.

"He fucking spiked you"
"The fucked spiked me"

We said in unison both having rage prominent in our eyes. "Let's go" I snapped as I picked up my keys and tying my hair onto a high messy bun with Sarah following in persuit.

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