C H A P T E R ~ 12

25 0 0

Navy Brook Routledge

It was the next day around 8pm to be exact and me and the group had decided to have a chill day. Sarah was still out of town till tomorrow night so it was weird without her here to be honest.

I grew to love the girl as more of a sister than a best friend, like me and Kie. Where as Cleo was the best friend we were all missing.

She keeps us in line but also helps me and JJ with our crazy schemes. She's like the fun aunt. And we all love her.

"YO NAVY GET OUT HERE GIRL" I heard Cleo shout from outside pulling me out of my train of thought.

"COMING" I shouted back before walking out of my room still in my pjs as we were just having a lazy day.

"Whats up" I asked as I approached the dark skinned girl who was in a bikini. "Get changed and ready for the hot tub in the next 5 minutes" she smiled. "Okay" I said a bit confused but followed what she said.

I pulled out a white bikini and my crocks and walked out into the back garden seeing it all lit up with string lights and music playing.

"Erm guys what's going on?" I questioned being very confused. "Well we realized we never threw you a coming home party" Pope started. "So I thought I would be the best brother in the world and throw you a surprise one" John B finished.

"Aww guys you didn't have to" I said walking over to the group and pulling them all into a group hug. "Yeah yeah enough with the soppy shit can we get this party started or what" JJ said ruining the moment.

"Way to ruin the moment Jay"
"Nice work rude boy" Cleo said causing me to start laughing.

"Okay Navy that was not funny" JJ protested. "I mean it kinda was" I laughed. "Whatever now get over here" he said whilst jumping into the hot tub with me following behind.

"Oh how I have missed the Cats Ass" I said relaxing into the warm water with a beer in hand. "Thank god for JJs stupidity" Kie said as she sat on the side dangling her feet in the water.

She was on her period and decided not to go in the water. I don't blame her to be honest. I hate going in water on mine.

I was sat next to JJ with my legs over his lap as John B and Pope sat opposite and Cleo sat with Kie so she wasn't left out as we all drank about 3 or 4 cans of beer. Even Pope.

"Okay I have an amazing idea" I said slightly slurred. "Let's hear it then cupcake" JJ said placing his arms on the back of the hot tub showing all his muscles.

Oh have mercy.

"Okay what about dare or drink" I suggested. They all agreed but John B was being stubborn so it took a bit longer to convince him.

"Okay Kie drink or dare do the worm" I said. "Oh your on it girl" she laughed before laying on her stomach and doing the worm. "Fuck that doesn't half hurt your boobs man" she groaned as she sat back down causing us all to laugh.

"Cleo drink or dare whisper something in Popes ear to turn him on" Kie said smirking at the girl before winking over my direction causing me to smirk as well.

Me and Kie could see that Pope and Cleo had a little thing for one another so this was perfect.

Cleo walked around to Pope and whispered something in his ear and I swear I saw Pope get nervous. "Oh how I love this game" I laughed.


After a few more rounds of stupid stuff that we all had to do and a lot more drinking it was John Bs go and he asked JJ.

"JJ dare of drink, kiss the prettiest girl here" he said with a very much noticeable smirk plastered on his smug face. Oh fuck. He knows. Jay told him. Fuck.

"Don't need to ask me twice JB" JJ replied before turning to me and grabbing my chin pulling my face closer to his before his lips met mine.

Fireworks erupted throughout my body as my heart was riding a roller coaster inside of me.

His other hand traveled up and down my thigh as my legs were still on his lap.

The kiss turned into a make out but before it could go any further I heard John B say "okay okay that's enough. Stop. I don't need to see my little sister and my best friend eating each other's faces off".

"Dude you dared me to kiss her. I wasn't gunna do a quick peck you should know that dude" JJ protested. "15 minutes John B. I'm 15 minutes younger" I said folding my arms in annoyance. "Still younger" he shrugged causing us all to laugh.


It was now about 2 in the morning and we were all gathered around a fire pit in the middle of the garden watching JJ and Pope play fight.

"Cmon Jay beat his ass" I laughed. "Dude you've got stronger. You on steroids or something" JJ said as Pope managed to floor him.

"Am done. Am outa here guys" Pope said walking into the house as we watched him flop onto the sofa through the window. Very dramatically actually. "I will go check on him. See you in the morning guys" Cleo said. "I will come with you" Kie said and gestured for John B to follow. "Oh erm yeah me to" he stuttered.

"Way to be smooth bro" I laughed. "Fuck off Navy" he said turning around and flipping me off as I followed his actions.

"Looks like it's just us then princess" JJ said from the hammock he was sat in. "Looks like it" I laughed whilst standing up and walking over to him and climbing in the hammock with him.

He pulled a blanket over us so we didn't get to cold and pulling me into him so that I was now flat on top of him.

"Yknow I really enjoyed that kiss earlier" the blonde said whilst drawing circles on my back. "Me to Jay" I replied looking up at the blonde boy. Our eyes meeting.

I watched his eyes look down at my lips then back up again before planting a soft kiss on my lips and pulling away again.

I smiled in response before saying night and drifting off to sleep in his arms.


Word count: 1111

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