C H A P T E R ~ 5

24 0 0

Navy Brook Routledge

I was currently on my way to Kies house to pick her up for work at her parents restaurant I used to work at before I left but they were kind enough to give me my job back when I came home.

I pulled up in my car for once rather than the Twinkie and honked the horn for Kie so she knew I was here.

"God how I have missed this car" Kie exclaimed as she climbed in the passenger seat of my car.

I had a big deep green American jeep that my dad stole from the main land years ago. When me and my John B were about 14 or 15.

"You and me both girl" I replied before putting the car in reverse and heading out of her drive and towards town.

After a 10 minute drive we pulled up round the back and entered the staff door and was greeted by Kies dad.

"Nice of you to show up Navy" he said as he threw our aprons at us. "Sorry Mr Carrera I wasn't feeling good yesterday" I replied whilst grabbing my note pad and pen before placing them in one of the pockets in my apron. "Hmm really because I heard you 6 shit heads broke into a new build and got busted my Gary on the main land" "no idea what your talking about Mike" I replied before walking off and taking orders from my tables.

"Hey welcome to The Wreck my name is Navy, I will be your waitress for the day, what can I get for you" I said scribbling the table number on my note pad before looking up and seeing Sarah and the boys sat in front of me.

"Oh you lot have got to be shitting me" I said whilst crossing my arms in disbelief.

"Wow wow wow now that's not how you treat customers" Pope said. "What my idiotic twin brother and idiotic best friends and a delinquent" I said raising my eyebrows at the boy.

"I am not delinquent" JJ defended. "Considering you knew I was on about you that mean you are Jay" I laughed.

"Alright so what can I get you anyways"

"4 cokes, 4 fries, 2 burgers and 2 loads of shrimp please n" Sarah said sweetly. "Seen as tho Sarah asked. Your wish is my command" I replied before walking out back to the kitchen.

"Hey Jessie I got 4 fries, 2 burgers and 2 loads of shrimp please" I shouted to our head chef whilst placing the note on the counter. "On it Navy" he shouted back.

I then walked out to the bar and saw Kie was also there.

"Hey Kie never guess who's at one of my tables"
"Just seen and let me guess 4 cokes, 4 fries, 2 burgers and 2 loads of shrimp?"
"The usual"
"At least you don't have Rafe and Barry girl"
"Damn Kie I'm glad there not on my side. I would physically throw up on them"
"It's hard not to" she replied before walking off with their drinks.

I got the group their drinks and took them over on a tray to the table.

"Here you go 4 cokes"
"Thanks Navy"
"Thanks brook"
"Cheers sis"
"Thanks cupcake"

They all replied before I walked over to another table and took their order.

Just as I was taking out their drinks and placing them on the table I heard the kitchen bell go off and a shout "NAVY ORDERS UP".

I quickly made my way back to the kitchen and grabbing a tray and placing the food onto it. "Thanks Jessie" I said before walking away to which he replied with "no problem kid".

"Alright I got 4 fries, 2 burgers and 2 loads of shrimp" I said placing the food onto the table in front of my friends. "Need anything else or you all good?" I questioned.

"Oooo ketchup would be banging right now with these fries" JJ said whilst stuffing his face. Gross boy.

"Coming right up Jay" I smiled before walking away to grab some ketchup and other stuff incase.

Just as I was about to start walking back, Rafe came up to me.

"Hey baby"
"Piss off Rafe"
"Oh cmon Navy. We would be so good together don't you think"
"No I don't think Rafe. I know" I said in a very sarcastic tone.

Just as he was about to say something else I heard Barry shout from outside "YO PREP BOY LETS GO".

"See you around princess" he winked. Oh god barf.

Once he was gone I walked back over the group and placing the stuff down on the table.

"Jeez what took so long dude" John B said snatching the salt out of Popes hands. " nothing just Rafe being Rafe" I replied before walking off.


It had been about 4 hours since the group left and me and Kie were just about to lock up the restaurant for the night.

"Hey you wanna crash at mine tonight the boys said they are having a 'lads' night when you went on your break as they were leaving" Kie smiled as she took off her apron and hanging it up. "Ugh you know it girl" I responded and hanging up my apron as well.

"Hang on lemme call JB real quick n tell him".

(Navy) (John B)

"Hey sis you good?"
"Yeah just letting you know ama crash at Kies place tonight"
"Alr I will let the guys know"
"Thanks. Wait do you know where Sarah is right now?"
"She's with us and was gunna head home in about 5. Why?"
"Tell her we will be there to pick her up in 10" and I hung up the phone.

"Let's go rescue Sarah" Kie laughed as I picked up my keys before walking out to my car.

All the way to the Chateau me and Kie were blasting songs on the aux as Kie connected her phone. We listened to 1D, Taylor Swift, The Weekend and many more.

Once we pulled up I told Kie to hang on as I was gunna run in and grab some clothes for tomorrow.

I walked into the house and saw the boys playing cards. "You lot are nerds swear down" I said before walking into my room and grabbing my bag and putting clothes inside.

As I walked out all 3 of them were about to snap back at me for calling them nerds but i grabbed Sarah's hand and pulled her out the house.

We then got in the car and started heading to Kies house. Once again. Music was blasting.

After the best 15 minutes of driving I pulled up in Kies driveway and we made our way into the house.

"Mum, dad am home and Navy and Sarah are here" Kie shouted to her parents.

Just then Anna, Kies mum, walked into the hall way and saw us. "Hi girls, long time no see Navy" she said as she pulled me into a hug. "It's good to see you Anna" "you two Navy".

After greeting her mum we headed to the living room and set up a movie night with the sofas in a large bed looking thing with blankets. Along with many movies in line and lots of snacks.

Firth one we watched was clueless, we then watched 2 of the Harry Potter films and a few more random ones we found on Netflix before realizing it was 3 in the morning so we all decided to get to sleep as we had a big day tomorrow.


Word count: 1270

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