C H A P T E R ~ 22

11 0 0

Navy Brook Routledge

I woke up the next day at around 9am to the smell of pancakes. No correction. Burnt pancakes.

"Oh JJ" I chuckled to myself and going to relax my eyes again before work at 1.

And then the smoke alarm went off. Great.

"AHHHHH NAVY HELP" I heard the blonde boy shout. "Fuck sake Jay can't you do one simple task yourself... holy shit" I said walking out of my room to see the pan on fire.

"Holy shit okay throw it in the sink and run the tap. Hopefully that works" I exclaimed as I waved a tea towel in front of the smoke alarm.

"What the fuck is... holy fuck JJ" John B laughed as he walked out his room seeing JJ with a burnt frying pan. "Bro it's not funny I could have died" JJ replied with a high voice. "Very likely but you didn't so stop complaining" I shrugged still wafting the tea towel.

"Ugh thank god that noise has stopped" I sighed in relief when the alarm stopped beeping. No. Bursting my ear drums.

"Am going back to bed" I said before walking back into my room and flopping down on my front onto my bed.

"Hey cupcake" JJ smiled as he walked into the room with a glass of water and an apple for me.

"Thanks but how the actual fuck did you set the pan on fire" I laughed as I rolled onto my side to look at him. "Am gunna be completely honest with you... I have no idea" he laughed.

"You're an idiot Jay" I chuckled whilst smiling up at him. "Yeah I get told that a lot" he shrugged before pulling me into him.


It was now about 2:30pm and I was currently at work serving with Kie whilst her dad was in the kitchen as it was Jesses day off and her mum was behind the bar.

"Ugh you will never guess who I just served" Kie sighed as she handed the order to her dad as I picked one up. "Who?" I asked. "That guy from the other month that you punched and bust his nose at the caffe" she said walking off to the bar with me following in pursuit.

"Your joking right?" I asked. "Nope he's sat outside with some random Kooks" she shrugged. "As long as I don't have to go near him I do not care" I shrugged back before walking off with my order.

"Okay so we have 2 shrimp racks and fries. There you go" I smiled as I placed them onto the table. "Is there anything else I can get for you guys?" I asked. "No we're all good. Thanks Navy" the old man at the table smiled. "Let me know if you need anything Mr Davies" I smiled before walking off.

Just as I was about to go out back I saw John B and JJ walk in.

"Oh hey guys what's up" I asked the two boys. "John B here has a date and I came to spy on him" JJ replied whilst shaking John B.

"Oooooo and who's the lucky girl" I smirked at him.

"Oh erm n-nobody" he shrugged. "John I will find out anyways because the only free table is in my section so cmon fess up. Who's the lucky girl" I replied with a playful smile.

I heard him mumble a name whilst letting out a sigh causing me to not hear him properly. "Cmon but louder I didn't hear you" I teased. "Sarah" he said a little louder. Just enough for me to hear him as well as JJ.

"Sarah? John B what the fuck she cheated on you" I hissed at him. "Hold up why we talking about Sarah?" Kie asked as she walked over to us. "John B here has a date with Kook princess" I replied whilst rolling my eyes.

"Oh hell no John B Nuh uh. No way." Kie protested. "Yknow what bro. Am with them on this one" JJ shrugged in agreement.

"Cmon guys" he groaned trying to convince us. "No hell no" I replied before walking off as Mike called my name.

I saw Kie let out a small eye roll as she walked off to join me.

"Well that went well" I heard JJ say to my brother moments before Sarah walked in.


Hey guys sorry it's short I ran out of time to write today x

Also sorry I haven't been posting as much I have been super busy with work and college x

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