C H A P T E R ~ 19

15 0 0

Navy Brook Routledge

"Okayyy we're here guys" John B said as he pulled into a parking area in the middle of no where that was full of dirt bikes and rally cars.

We all jumped out the van and I took a good look around to find the bike I was going to high jack home.

"Ayo check this car out man" JJ said excitedly whilst pulling Pope over to a car.

"What you thinking then N?" Cleo questioned as she stood next to me. "Hmm not sure yet let's keep looking" I replied before dragging her off with me. "Also. No pink" "you got it Nay" she chuckled.

After looking for an other 5/10 minutes me and Cleo came across a gorgeous bike.

It was black with a teal blue pattern across.

"Omg Cle it's perfect" I exclaimed as I raced over towards the bike dragging her by the arm

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"Omg Cle it's perfect" I exclaimed as I raced over towards the bike dragging her by the arm.

"Damn that's one hot bike" JJ said as he ran over after seeing me all exited.

"Kie come check this one out" I said to my best friend and she walked over to us with my brother and Pope.

"That's hot"
"Holy fuck"

The three all said while looking at the bike.

"It's perfect" I smiled as I ran my hand across the handlebar and the leather seat. "What you say baby. This the one?" JJ asked as he placed an arm over my shoulders. I looked up and him with a huge smile on my face to which he responded with "I will take that as a yes" with a small chuckle.

"Alright guys here's the plan Kie and Pope your gunna go into that coffee shop and try look for someone with a matching helmet then signal to Cleo who's going to grab the keys while me John B and JJ are going to move the bike behind the Twinkie. Got it?"

"Got it" they all answered in unison.

"Alright. Let's do this" I smiled before the 3 ran into the coffee shop.

"Alright. Jay grab this part and John B grab the back and I will get the front" I demanded and they both nodded in agreement.

It took a couple goes and a lot of shouting to finally get us all to pick it up correctly and start walking off with it.

"Guys we gotta go. Now" Kie exclaimed as she raced out of the shop with Cleo and Pope along with 3 biker men.

"Oh fuck" I whispered but just then Cleo threw me the keys and I put them into the ignition before signaling for JJ to jump on the back.

"Step on it cupcake" he squealed as he jumped on. "Let's have some fun baby" I smiled before racing off down the street with the Twinkie following behind us.

Did I forget to mention a cop car as well? Maybe. Well... now you know.

"NAVY GO LEFT WE WILL MEET YOU AT HOME" John B shouted out the driver seat window to which I responded with a nod before zooming off and taking a left into the main land.

"Holy shit haha it's Gary chasin us babe" JJ laughed as he looked back and saw Gary sat in the drivers seat. "Wait really?" I asked. "Yes really now let's have some fun" "don't need to ask me twice Jayj" I laughed before slowing down so I was next to the cop car.

"Hey Gary how you doing man" I asked. "Navy pull over" he demanded. "Ahhh you see... I can't quite do that bud. I got places to be and people to see Y'know" I shrugged before dropping back even more and making a sharp right to head back to the cut with Gary still following me.

"Yo baby take a right at this next junction it leads you to figure 8 near Kies house" JJ pointed out. "Got it. Now hold on" I responded before feeling JJ place his strong arms around my waist.

And just like that I was headed straight towards figure 8 leaving Gary behind in a cloud of dust mixed with smoke.

"WAHOOOOO LETS GO BABY THATS WHAT AM TALKING ABOUT" JJ screamed out of excitement as we saw the cut getting closer and closer.

"YAHHHH" I screamed as well whilst holding one arm up in victory.

"Good on you baby" JJ whispered in my ear and placing a soft kiss on my shoulder causing a thrilling sensation to run straight through me and I let out a small giggle in response before pulling up at the house.

"Home sweet home" I laughed before hopping off my bike and started to walk but got pulled back by my arm hitting JJs hard chest.

"That was hot" he smirked. "Was it now" I teased as I ran a finger down his chest and abbs feeling his body tense under my touch. "Y-Yeah it w-was" he stuttered whilst making eye contact with me causing both our breaths to hitch.

"You look beautiful princess" JJ breathed out in a gentle whisper whilst placing a hand under my chin and running his thumb over my bottom lip.

"Meh I couldn't say the same for you" I shrugged whilst playing with the keys in my hand.

"Okay that's it" he said before tossing me over his shoulder with no hesitation what so ever going through his thought.

"Cmon Jay put me down" I begged and I gave up trying to fight back as I knew it wouldn't work. "Nope not until you call me pretty" he sulked.

"Ugh fine you look pretty today" I sighed whilst resting my arm on his shoulder which was now holding up my head. "Why thank you my gorgeous girlfriend" he said and I could hear the smirk on his lips as he spoke causing me to roll my eyes.

"Hey stop rolling your eyes" he demanded.

"How did you know I was rolling my eyes?" I questioned highly confused. "Navy I've known you since 3rd grade. Need I say any more?" "Meh good point" I laughed.

"Ahhh look who it is" Pope laughed as JJ walked through the back door with me still over his shoulder sulking.

"Someone help me please" I begged as I flopped down over Jays shoulder causing the group to start laughing at me and my boyfriend.

"Nah see you later guys I gotta head home I got work at 8 tomorrow" Kie sighed as she stood up and walking out after saying bye.

"We better head out as we'll see you guys" Pope said as he and Cleo stood up and walked out.

"Night double trouble, see you in the morning" John B laughed as JJ led us to our room finally putting me down on the bed as I shouted night to my brother.

As soon as I felt my back touch the bed JJ hovered straight over the top of me.

"Hey" I smiled. "Hey cupcake" he smiled back looking into my eyes and placing a soft kiss of my lips holding it for a second before pulling away and looking at me again.

"What you looking at" I laughed softly. "Oh nothing just the most beautiful girl in the world" he smirked causing me to laugh and shove him off me so I could get changed.

Once I was changed I made JJ change but then he thought it would be a good idea to work out. Yep. Press ups and pull ups. Lord have mercy.

I couldn't help myself from staring at the blonde who was doing pull ups on the bar we had handing off the wall.

"Stop creeping on me pretty girl" he smirked as he looked over at me. "I wasn't creeping, I was just admiring the view" I shrugged averting my eyes towards my phone and scrolling through tik tok.

"Mhm sure princess" he smirked before finishing off his last set and then jumping on top of me causing me to laugh as he snuggled his head into my chest.

"Goodnight cupcake"
"Goodnight pretty boy"


Word count: 1346

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