C H A P T E R ~ 17

19 0 0

Navy Brook Routledge

It's 1pm the next day and I am a painful 3 hours into my shift.

It's really quiet today so it's just me, Jesse, Mike and one other chef.

We had only had about 5 tables in from when I started so we sent the other server home and got told to pick up one of my shifts for next week which I didn't mind actually.

Yeah I need the money but so do they. I mean, we're both from the cut after all.

"Navy new table has sat down out front" I heard Mike shout as I came from the kitchen carrying food for my lunch.

"Ugh fine then am eating am starving" I sighed as I placed my food on a table round the back before grabbing my note pad and pen and heading outside.

As soon as I walked out the door I saw Topper and... Sarah?

"Hey... guys" I said walking over to them with confusion written all over my face.

He was Sarah's ex and she was my brothers girlfriend?

Now I think about it, I heard John B come home last night slamming doors in the middle of the night but I just brushed it off.

"Sup Navy" Topper said going for a fist bump. "Sup top" I replied pushing his hand away.

"Hey N" Sarah said startled at seeing me. "Hey Sar. Everything good?" I asked. "Oh erm yeah everything's great" she replied with a smile.

"Anyways what can I get for you guys?" I asked.

"2 fries and 2 cokes please Navy" Topper smiled. "Coming right up" I replied whilst walking away with questions racing through my mind.

Why was John B so mad when he came home?

Why is Sarah with Topper?

Why did she look so startled when I work here? She was bound to bump into me or Kie.

I walked back into the restaurant and saw Kie walk in with Pope and Cleo.

"Hey guys" I smiled. "Hey babe what's up?" Kie questioned. "Fuck all we've had about 5 well now 6 tables since 10 this morning so it's been slow but I get to finish early at least" I replied whilst walking towards the kitchen.

"Take a seat guys I will be 1 minute" I shouted at the 3.

"Yo Jesse I got 2 loads of fries please" I shouted to the chef. "You got it kid" he replied back turning around and nodding at me.

I walked back out to get the drinks but Mike stopped me before saying "you can head out if you want Navy, Anna is here if that's good with you, I will take the order out. Go eat" whilst walking to the back with me.

"Thanks Mike. Kie, Pope and Cleo just got here so I will be with them if you need me" I smiled whilst grabbing my food and walking out to join my friends.

"Am free for the day so what's the plan" I said happily as I sat down next to Kie in one of the booths.

"Not much" Pope shrugged.

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