C H A P T E R ~ 8

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Flash back (navy leaving)

Navy Brook Routledge

It had been about a week since my farther had died at sea.

I was a complete train wreck to be honest and I had to leave. I couldn't stay here any longer.

JJ Maybank

I woke up the next morning in my own bed for once. I always stayed at John Bs and Navy's but I decided to give them some space as their dad has died about a week ago and they were completely broken.

As I was getting dressed and ready for the day I heard the front door slam open. I knew it wasn't my dad as he was out of town for a month so I was really confused.

"JJ YOU IN HERE" I heard John b shout. "Yeah bro am in my room" I said and just then he stormed into my room with tears in his eyes. "Wow wow wow what's up man what's happened?" I questioned looking at him confused.

"It's Navy. She's gone" he replied. "Wha- what do you mean she gone John B. What does that mean" I said walking up to him with panic noticeable in my voice as I spoke.

Just then he pulled out a note from his pocket and handed it to me.

I opened it with nerves shooting through me and trembling hands.

Dear Jayj x

I know you will hate me after this and I'm sorry I didn't tell you or John B. I really am. I wrote him a separate letter as well. Anyways I will get to the point. I decided it was time for me to leave obx. I couldn't stay there any longer. It was killing me on both inside and out. I'm sorry Jay. I really am. I'm sorry if I let you or anyone in the group down but I had to do this. For me. For the group. I was going down a spiral and I didn't want to drag you down with me. I might be back at some point in the future Jay. I love you so much pretty boy. Don't forget about me.

Love your cupcake xx

Ps: please don't try to contact me Jay. I'm sorry. Xx

Tears came streaming out of my eyes as they met John B's who also had tears staining his cheeks.

"FUCK" I yelled kicking the wall next to me.

"Did she say where she was going" he questioned. "No she didn't. All she said was and I quote 'please don't try and contact me Jay'. Fuck I can't do this man" I said before storming out the room at to my bike. "JJ what the hell" I heard John B say from my front door.

"Give me some time man. We need it" I sighed before driving off.

I drove down to an abandoned dock and came to a halt at the end.

I took a deep breath before kicking a can that was on the floor out of anger.

I took my hat off and ran my hand through my hair and leaning on the railing looking down at the water below me.

I let out a noticeable sigh before saying to myself "fuck Navy why'd you have to do this. John B needs you. I need you. We all do" and sitting against the wooden pole in the middle of the railing and letting all my tears fall from my eyes.

Just then it started raining and I got flashbacks from when me and Navy were 12 years old. As I played with the necklace she left at my house in my hands.

"Jay cmon it's raining let's go outside" Navy said running into her room where I was saton her bed. "Nay no it's raining am not going outside. It's cold" I replied looking up at her. "Please Jay" she batted her lashes at me. "Ughhh fine and stop doing that thing with your eyes" I sighed standing up and watching her jump with joy.

She grabbed my hand pulling me towards the back door and running onto the grass ruining her converse.

She started dancing around and I just stared at her in awe. God the crush I had on her was huge, I've had it since 5th grade. And watching her be happy made it even bigger. God she is going to drive me insane when we're older.

"You just gunna stand there or come dance with me pretty boy?" The blue eyes girl questioned. I let out a slight giggle and walked out from the dry porch and towards her. My boots now soaked in mud.

I grabbed her hand and started spinning her round as she giggled.

We danced around for about 30 minutes before her dad walked out the door. "Kids come inside the storm is on its way" he said.

"Coming" we replied in unison and walking back to the house.

"Both of you have a shower and get changed into some dry clothes then bed time it's nearly 10:30" Bigh John said before walking into his room.

We both got showered and changed then got into Navy's bed and laid next to one another with her head rested on my shoulder and my head on hers before we both drifted of to sleep.

I smiled at the memory before realizing I was drenched.

I put my hat back on and got onto my bike before heading back home.

I walked in and looked around not knowing if I would ever see my best friend again.

I was the closest to Navy out of everyone in the group. Apart from John B obviously.

I got into the shower before climbing into bed and noticing the photo frame on the edge of my draws. It was a photo of me and Navy playing around in the ocean just before her dad passed.

I took a deep breath before trying to contact her.

I rang her phone about 5 times. But nothing went through. Nothing. Even text messages.

I was completely lost without her.


Word count : 1012

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