C H A P T E R ~ 18

15 0 0

Navy Brook Routledge

"Ughh someone needs to shut that fucking rooster up" I groaned as I walked out of my room to find Kie, Pope  and Cleo spread out on the couches.

"Don't need to say that again" Cleo laughed as she sat up rubbing her eyes.

"Hey I love the rooster" JJ protested as he walked out the room behind me. As per, topless. Whilst wrapping an arm over my shoulders.

"Good morning cupcake" he whispered into my hair. "Morning Jay" I smiled up at the blonde.

"Oh barf" I heard Pope say before launching a pillow at us. "Shove off P I think it's cute" Kie laughed as she came over to stand next to me. "Not my fault JJs pussy whipped" he protested.

At his words me and the girls all tried to stifle a laugh as JJ stood straighter in position. "Watch it Pope" he hissed. "Oh yeah what you gunna do about it lover boy" the dark skin boy teased. "Okay that's it" JJ said before practically pouncing on his best friend before starting a play fighting.

I let out a laugh before going into the kitchen to make food.

I looked in the fridge and found some eggs and bacon so decided to knock something up.

As they were sizzling away I noticed JJ and Pope still fighting.

"Boys cut it out and come eat" I said which caused them both to snap out of it and race over to take a seat at the counter and start eating.

"Bunch of animals" Kie laughed as she got a bottle of orange juice from the fridge causing me to laugh as well.

"AMA go check on JB" I sighed picking up a plate and walking towards his room. And knocking on the door before walking in to see him sat up on his phone.

"Hey. You okay JB?" I asked. "Yeah I'm okay" he sighed putting his phone down.

"Oooo food. Hand it over then" he said happily at the sight of a decent breakfast for once before snatching it out of my hands. "KIE WE HAVE ANOTHER ANIMAL IM HERE" I shouted to my best friend laughing at my brother.

"Of course we do. There teenage boys" she replied walking into the room laughing and linking her arm with mine.

"Now. Let's go eat before them two pigs out there eat it all" I replied pulling her into the kitchen with me.

Me and Kie grabbed our plates and went to sit down at the table but before I could even get close, JJ grabbed my waist and pulled me onto his lap.

"Hey baby" I chuckled. "Well hello there" he smirked at me. "Now eat before I eat it" he whispered into my ear whilst placing his hands on my thighs causing a sensation of goosebumps to shoot through me.

I started eating my food when about half way through the front door opened catching my attention.

"You have got to be shitting me" I sighed placing my fork on the counter and standing up with JJs hands still on my thighs. "Hey guys" they said sheepishly.

"Don't hey guys us Sarah. You broke my brother's heart for fuck sake. He went to our farthers grave for the first time since I came home. He only ever goes there when he's at his lowest. And you Sarah fucking Cameron put him at his lowest. And don't think you can come walking into here like nothing happened when you very well know what you did" I scolded the blonde.

"Navy please..." she started but Kie cut her off.

"Sarah no one wants to hear that it was an accident okay. You has sex with Topper when you were in a relationship. How the fuck is that an accident" the curly hair girl said as she stood up and walked next to me.

"Hey guys what with the... oh" I heard John B say as he came from his room.

"John B please" Sarah pleaded.

"Get out Sarah. It's done. Over. Now piss off" he said using his arms.

Sarah looked at us guilty before walking out with tears in her eyes. "The nerve of that girl man" Cleo said from the sofa. "Ugh don't even" I sighed flopping down opposite her with John B next to me.

"What we doing today then guys" Pope asked as he sat on the arm rest next to Kie. "Cause trouble?" JJ questioned as he grabbed a beer from the fridge.

"Cmon Jay it's 10:30 in the morning. Put it back" I scolded my boyfriend grabbing the beer and throwing it in the bin.

"Hey that's not very nice" he pouted. "Suck it up Jay" I laughed placing a kiss on his lips and walking into my room to get ready.

"I'm never gunna get used to that" I heard John B sigh from the living room causing me to chuckle.

As I was trying to tie up the strap around my neck for my bikini I felt 2 warm hands and a set of cold rings hold onto my waist from behind.

"Hey double" I felt JJs warm breath fanning on my ear and neck. "Hi trouble" I chuckled as he now had me wrapped in his arms turning me to face him.

"Let me get that for you" he said pressing a soft kiss onto my lips before going to tie my straps of my white and red bikini top with matching bottom's with a black tennis skirt over the top.

Once he tied my top I told him to get changed whilst I was doing my hair.

I pulled my hair up into 2 dutch braids and added JJs red hat to my head before placing my bandana around my wrist and pulling on my converse before meeting the group down the dock at the boat for me and JJ.

"So what trouble are we causing today" John B asked as he pulled away from land and drifted into the marsh. "Hmmm wait we could steal a car?" I suggested.

"Okay no where not doing that" Kie protested. "We could steal a bike so then Navy doesn't have to use rude boys over there all the time" Cleo suggested.

"See Cleo gets it" I shrugged. "Really Cleo?" Kie protested once again.

"Oh cmon Kie what's the worst that could happen. I'm in" John B agreed. "Pope?" JJ asked looking at the boy who sighed shaking his head before saying "meh I got nothing better to do" and shrugging.

I let out a joyful squeal before Kie put it down.

"Oh cmon Kie. It's like me and Jay always say" I started whilst walking over to sit next to my boyfriend.

"Stupid things have good outcomes all the time" me and the blonde boy said in unison.

"Ugh fine left go" she finally gave in.

"YES" I cheered in joy as we made our way to the mainland.


Word count: 1163

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