C H A P T E R ~ 23

17 0 0

Navy Brook Routledge

As soon as I saw Sarah walk into the restaurant I raced to the kitchen to ask Mike if I could go home because I 'threw up' and he agreed. Thank god.

It was only about 3 when I got off.

Yes I know I'm being petty about all this... but she hurt my brother and he hasn't cried that hard since our dad died. I mean. He went to his grave for god sake. So can you blame me for being an overprotective sister who's just looking out for her brother? No. I hope not.

Anyways I am currently driving back home with JJ on my bike so we can hang out at home.

"Ugh why is John B on a so called 'date' with Sarah. I mean she cheated on him. I don't get it" I sighed as I flopped down onto my bed. "I have no idea" JJ replied as he flopped down next to me.

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes before JJ spoke up saying "yknow the surf looked good earlier" whilst turning his head towards me with a smirk. "Hell yes" I replied before practically jumping up and racing to my draws to pick out a bikini and heading to the bathroom to get changed.

Once I was changed into my bikini and some shorts I placed my converse on my feet and grabbed 2 towels and I saw JJ placing the boards on the roof rack of my jeep.

It still amazes me how my dad stole that car. But am not complaining.

I also grabbed some food and a couple beers and placed them into my bag incase we get hungry afterwards.

"CMON CUPCAKE, THE SURF WAITS FOR NO ONE" I heard JJ shout and a car door shut. I let out a small laugh before placing my bag over my shoulders and heading outside to see that he was sat in the drivers seat.

"Cmon Jay I wanna drive" I complained. "Well to bad. I was here first" he smirked as he poked his head out the window like a puppy causing a smile to form on my lips. "Ughhhh fine but I'm driving home" I pouted as I got in the car and we drove off to the beach.

Once we arrived we both grabbed our board off the roof rack and raced down to the beach.

JJ kicked off his black boots he always wore then practically threw himself onto his board in the water causing me to laugh at the blonde.

I placed my bag down and got out 2 towels and placed them out for us before taking off my shoes and joining him in the water.

"Took your time" he smirked at me as I sat up on my board facing him. "Yeah yeah now stop talking and more surfing" I replied whilst rolling my eyes at him. "Wow wow wow there was no need for that eye roll miss" he protested causing me to let out a small giggle and start paddling out to catch a wave.


Me and JJ had been surfing for around 3 hours and it was now about 7pm.

We were sat on the towels eating some of the food I had packed along with few beers as well.

"Hold up I missed Kie and Pope having a 'situation'" I laughed as JJ was telling me more and more story's from when I was away.

"Yes and let me tell you this. It was HILARIOUS. They were both so awkward with each other and as you know Kie hates being touched by people and Pope is a touchy person so that made it 10 times better" he replied back also laughing as he took a swig from his beer.

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