C H A P T E R ~ 2

47 0 0

Navy Brook Routledge

I was sound asleep with JJs arm wrapped around me before I got woken up to John B bashing on my door to get us up.

"Piss off bird" I heard JJ mumble and pull me closer to him so that my back now against his front. "Wake up love birds we got things to do, people to see and beer to drink" he replied bashing on the wall now above our heads. "Okay, okay stop banging on the wall you're gunna break it" I shouted back at my brother clearly annoyed that I had been woken up from my peaceful sleep.

"Cmon jay we gotta get up" I said whilst trying to get out of the boys arms. "5 more minutes" he groaned whilst shoving his face into my neck. "NOW JJ" we heard Kie shout from the living room to which I burst out laughing, to which leaded me to getting shoved off the bed. My own fucking bed. Dick.

"JJ what the fuck" I replied looking up at the boy who was now looking down at me laughing. It was only in this moment where I had noticed how toned his body had gotten in the last year.

"You got some drool right there NB"
"Oh do I now Maybank really" I replied standing up and grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him.

"Cmon dressed. Now. I don't need mother out there to shout at us again" I said whilst rummaging through my draws to find my favorite bikini. "I HEARD THAT NAVY BROOK" Kie shouted again. "SORRY KIE LOVE YOU REALLY" I shouted back trying to hold my laughter whilst JJ was still in the bed.

"Be dressed when I get back okay you have 5 minutes" I said walking out and going to the bathroom to get changed.

"Morning fellow pogues" I said whilst walking into the bathroom.

"Morning N"
"Morning dove"
"Morning nav"
They all replied in unison smiling at me.

Once I got into the bathroom I brushed my teeth and got changed into a dark green thong bikini which was my favorite. I don't normally wear thong ones but I decided to switch it up for a change. I then pulled on some black denim shorts and one of JJs tops I had stolen before I left.

I then made my way back into my room and saw that JJ was looking for one of his tops in his draws that were in my room.

"Looking for something Maybank" I teased knowing it was this top he was looking for. He used to love it.

He turned around confused but then saw me in his top and I saw his face soften when he knew it was me. "You. You had it all this time. I've been looking for that for like a year" he said whilst pulling out a different top to wear as I sat at my desk that had a small mirror on and brushed through my hair. "Duh this one's my favorite. You should know that jayj, I mean I used to steal it all the time" "your lucky your pretty" he said before planting a kiss on my head leaving me dumbfounded as he walked out the room.

What the fuck. Did JJ Maybank just call me pretty? Never. Or did he?

I then threw on my dirty white converse along with one of JJs hats and headed out to the others.

"Let's roll guys" I said skipping out the door and grabbing the keys to the boat. But not before saying "I'm driving bird" and running off to the boat before he could say anything.

I had reached the boat before the rest of the group and was currently sat in the drivers seat with the engine running after taking off JJs shirt because I was to hot. "Navy cmon your not driving it's been a year" John B protested. "Let her drive John B just this once alright" Kie said as she stepped onto the boat. "This Kie is why your my favorite" I said to the brown haired girl as she blew me a kiss from the bow of the boat. "Erm okay rude, what about me and is that my hat" JJ exclaimed as he sat on the seat next to me. "You know you're always my favorite jay and a matter of fact this is your hat" I replied before putting the boat into drive and going for the marsh.

As we gut further and further into the marsh, looking for a place to stop, JJ placed one arm on the backrest of the seat behind me as he placed his legs on my lap.

"JJ cmon is that really necessary" I rolled my eyes at the blonde boy. "Just getting myself comfy cupcake" he winked back at me. I gave him a gentle smile and a nudge on his shoulder.

"Oi navy pull up here" I heard John B say as he went to get the anchor chain. "On it dip shit" I replied back before stopping the boat as he dropped the chain down to the sea bed.

"Hey Kie chuck us a beer" JJ asked from next to me. "JJ Maybank. Ask again but nicely this time" I scolded the blonde who rolled his eyes at me before saying "please could you chuck me and princess a beer Kie" with a fake smile. "Well JJ since as you ask SO nicely you may have one for you and double trouble over there" she said handing him 2 cans of beer from a cooler we had brought with us.


We had all drank about 1 or 2 beers when me and Kie decided to sit on the bow of the boat and start getting a tan as it was the start of summer.

We were laid in silence just enjoying the sun when Kie spoke up and turned to look at me saying "yknow I'm really glad your back. I mean when you left it was like we lost JJ as well and now your back all he does is smile constantly and doesn't stop looking at you like ever I mean look for yourself" as the words left Kies mouth I whipped my head up to see she was correct.

JJ was stood staring at me with a big smile on his face. I decided to mess with him a little tho.

"You gotta lil bit of drool there jay" I said to the blue eyed boy. Who snapped out of a trance and looked around the group in horror he had been caught. We all statted laughing at the blonde before he ran over to me picking me up and jumping into the water with me over his shoulder.

"JJ FUCKING MAYBANK" I screamed at him. "That's what my name sounds like with her screaming it" he said with a big smirk. "That's my sister JJ watch it" John B said to the blonde before diving into head first with the others all joining us in the water.


After being in and out of the water the rest of the day we all decided to head back home.

We dropped Kie and Pope off on the way before arriving back at the Chateau and sitting down on the 2 hammocks at the back of the house.

Me and JJ were sat in one with a blanket, whilst John B sat in the other with a blanket.

"I missed you guys. A lot. And I sorry for leaving you guys when you both needed me the most" I said with sympathy towards the two boys. "Sis it's okay. I promise. We know why you did it and to be honest I don't blame you" John B said before snuggling up into his blanket. "Night dove and bird shit" "goodnight bird" me and JJ said in unison cuddling up to one another.

"I'm glad your home brownie"
"I'm glad to be home to blondie"


Word count: 1339

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