C H A P T E R ~ 14

15 0 0

Navy Brook Routledge

I woke up the next day to an alarm going off as well as feeling a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist from behind.

I smiled at the thought of us now being more than friends. More than best friends and I loved it. I had waited since 5th grade for this moment for crying out loud.

I rolled over to face the blonde boy who was still sound asleep. "Jay" I whispered trying to wake him up. He let out an annoyed groan before pulling me closer towards him.

"Jay you have work in 20 minutes you need to get up" I laughed. "Just 5 more minutes" he replied in a raspy voice before snuggling his face into my neck. "JJ Maybank 5 minutes is not going to help considering it takes 15 minutes to get there" I said in a stern tone.

"Ugh fine" he said whilst rolling onto his back and climbing out of the bed.

He walked over to the wardrobe sluggishly before opening it up and pulling out his work clothes for the country club on figure 8.

As he reached up to get his cargo jeans off the top shelf I watched his back muscles move. God they didn't used to look like that. "Stop creeping on me cupcake" he said as he turned around to face me.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I hummed whilst leaning up onto my elbows still in bed. "Mhm sure" he laughed as he pulled his bottoms on and placed his top over his head before picking up my bandana and tying it around his wrist.

"Jay that's my bandana. Yours is on the bed side table" I said looking at the boy confused. "I know" he smiled up at me.

"So you can be cute when you want to be" I smiled back teasing him. "Shut up" he replied walking over to me and placing a kiss onto my lips. "See you tonight cupcake" he winked. "See you later Jay" I smiled before my bedroom door shut.

A few second later I heard the engine to my car start. "That dick" I said as I rushed out my room to the front door to see JJ driving off in my jeep.

"Oh JJ" I laughed whilst turning around and seeing my brother stood in front of me.

"Shit John you scared me dude" I said holding my hand up to my heart. "Sorry sis" he laughed out before walking to grab his hat that was on the living room table.

"What's the plan of action for today" he asked me as I walked towards my room. "Don't have any why?" I asked. "Great we're going on a road trip. Get dressed and meet me and Sarah outside. We need to drop her off home on the way" he smiled before pushing me into my room to get changed.

'Well that was weird' I thought but decided to brush it off and get dressed.

I changed into some black gym shorts I found and threw on one of JJs grey hoodies as it was a bit chilly and brushed out my hair and put JJs bandana over my hair to keep it out of my face.

I pulled on my converse before walking out and seeing John B and Sarah waiting for me.

"Let's go guys" I smiled before skipping my way towards the Twinkie. I sat up front next to John B as we dropped Sarah off at hers because her dad wanted her to help around the house. Why? I have no idea. It's Ward Cameron you never know why.

"Alright so you gunna tell me where we're headed" I questioned my brother as I perched my feet on the dashboard and held my arm out of the window as we drove through figure 8.

"We are off to see DCS in Charleston they want an update on us" he said whilst turning up the music. "Hold on so we won't be home tonight then am guessing?" I asked. "Looks like it sis" he replied.

"Lemma call Jay and tell him" I sighed. "Why do you need to tell JJ?" John B asked as he whipped his head and looked at me in confusion. "Oh erm n-no reason" 'fuck Navy why did you stutter' I thought to myself.

"Navy Brook do you mean to tell me that you are macking with my best friend" he said stunned. "No clue what your on about" I said looking out the window before looking for Jays number. "Mhm you totally are" he laughed.

"Okay okay fine. We're dating. That good enough for you" I sighed before pressing dial. "That's good enough for me sis" he laughed and I responded by holding up my middle finger at him. Before JJ picked up his phone.

(Navy) (JJ)

"Hey N what's up?"
"Hey erm me and John B won't be home tonight we have a DCS meeting in Charleston that we have to attend"
"Oh shit is everything alright?"
"No yeah everything is great just thought I should tell you. And feel free to crash at our place like usual"
"Duh ofc am gunna crash at yours when my asshat of a dad is home... shit I gotta go duty calls see you tomorrow cupcake love ya"
"Love you to Jay see you tomorrow"

"That went surprisingly well" I said putting my phone on my lap. "Yeah I agree but anyways you and JJ hm" my brother said smirking at me and wiggling his eyebrows.

"Fuck off" I laughed shoving his face away from me.


After a long and painful 4 hour drive and 1 hour ferry run we finally were in Charleston and headed towards DCS.

"Oookayyy this looks like the place" John B said as we pulled up in a car park. "You know the rule?" I asked my brother as we got out of the van.

"What rule" he furrowed his brows as he walked around to my side. "Deny, Deny, Deny brother" I winked before slowly walking away. "You spent to much time with JJ sis" he said as he ran to catch up with me. "Not my problem" I shrugged as we reached the door.

"Alright let's do this" John B said as he hesitated to press the buzzer. I stood cross armed next to him and rolled my eyes before pressing it before him.

"No yeah I was gunna do that"
"Mhm sure you was bro"

Just then the door opened.


Word Count: 1094

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