
180 3 0

Alice Jones

"Tyler hit Alan and Adam!" A girl screams and Tyler runs towards us.

"I have to finish one more thing and then I'll be with you." His gaze meets mine and then wanders to Chris who came back two minutes ago.

"Caddle, take her outside with you. I'll be there in no time." He says and disappeares into the crowd. Chris sighs. "Oh man, I just went outside." His gaze turns serious in seconds.

He pulls me out of the house to their motorcycles. A few seconds later Cassie, Daniel and Tyler follow.
Tyler puts his helmet on, hiding his gorgeous face. "Come on, Alice. Get on." I shake my head.

I will never get on this thing. I'm to afraid to die or get hurts because this thing is everything but safe.

"Hell no." He lets out an annoyed groan and opens his visor. I can look directly into his emerald green eyes.

"Get on that fckin motorcycle Alice or they'll ruin that pretty face of yours." He said and lifted me onto his bike, takes of his helmet and I put it on.

"What if I tell you I'm scared?" I sigh.
He got on in front of me. "Hold on tight." His hand went to the helmet and flipped down the visor.

The engine roared once before he hit the gas, causing me to slam into his back, my hands automatically wrapping around his waist.

"Don't worry you're save with me." Tyler said as we drove off with his friends. My hair was blowing in the wind and a small smile made it onto my lips.

I think I'm enjoying this a little to much. "I saw that smile." I hear his muffled voice say. "Maybe." I laugh but him hands are still tight around his waist, the fear of falling down or hurting myself is still there.

There's this question going through my head. Why did he hit Adam? Why did he hit Alan? What did they do?

"Where do you wanna go?" Tyler asks and looks over his shoulder slightly. "I'm down for everything." I shrug.

"Okay, hold on tight." He hits the gas pedal one more time, the others getting tinier and tinier in his mirror.
The adrenaline is flooding through my body, my hair getting all tangled by the wind and a loud laugh escapes me.

"You're enjoying this, hm?" I hear his muffled voice say again. "Yeah I really do. I never thought I'd like something like this." My arms wrap tighter around his waist because I'm still a little afraid I'll fall down.

The others are out of sight by now and the city gets tinier in the mirror of his bike. The neon lights at the back of his motorcycle reflect on the dark street and leave a beautiful glow in purple and blue on the street.

The engine roars as Tyler finally quickens the pace of his bike.
I don't know where he's taking me. I would've never thought this would be so much fun. This is much more fun than being on that boring party.


The last week has been a little stressing. Some exams are coming up soon and I have to put more time into studying than into spending time with my friends.

Chris, Tyler and Daniel got into some heated fights and arguments with Alan and Adam because of the party. I still have no clue why Tyler started that whole thing but now they won't leave each other alone.

I'm talking to Kyle as we're packing up our stuff.
"Alice? Could I talk to you for second?" My teacher asks as she smiles at me. I just nod and walk up to her.

"About the tutoring. We found someone for you. Maybe you could start today or in the next few days." She tucked her short black hair behind her ear and fixed her glasses.

"Yes, I'd love to. Who is it?" She leafs through her documents. "Tyler Anderson. He's been writing bad grades for years and me and the other teachers think that it's time for a change. Maybe you can help him."

I froze in my spot hearing a snort coming from Kyle but he immediately stop when I give him a serious glance.

"I uhm, I can definitely do that. I'll inform him. Thank you." I walk out of class, Kyle following me.
"Good luck with that." He smirks.

How am I supposed to give him tutoring? I wanted to mind contact to him at all cost but now I have to deal with him. I sigh, "Can't you do it? I really don't want to." I say pleading, looking at Kyle.

"No, it's your job. She didn't ask me. You seem to be the new teacher's pet." He sounds pissed. Probably because I've been bringing better performances in the last few days than him.

"You mad?" He shakes his head hastily. "Then stop saying something like that. I thought we're friends." I eye him, his green eyes growing big and his freckle covered cheeks turn red.

"Sorry." He says and fixes his glasses with a smooth hand movement. "I'll see you tomorrow." I walk out of the classroom, seeing him sigh and push back his blonde hair in the corner of my eye.

"Anderson." He was already eyeing me as I walked out of the school building. I haven't talked to him since he drove me home on his motorcycle after the party.

He showed me a cute lake and we talked for a bit. Since then I've been acting like I don't know him. I don't want anyone to find out that I had deep conversation with Tyler Anderson...

He tried to talk to me in lunch breaks and stuff but I would just ignore him or act like I didn't hear him.
"Since when are you able to talk to me, Jones?" A small smirk spreaded across his cheeks.

"It's important." I tuck my hair behind my ear. "I gotta give you tutoring. My teacher came up to me a while ago and asked me to do it. Today she said it's you have to give tutoring."

He smirks, leaning against his bike.
"And why are you supposed to give me some tutoring?" He chuckles.

Why is he so fucking handsome? I can't concentrate like this and I can't stay serious.
"Because you suck in school." I try to keep cool.

He scoffs. "You're really serious about school, aren't you? I just know you're still mad at me for pointing out how much of a nerd you are."
This man... What the fuck.

"Listen, Anderson. This graduation and all these tests and exams you're about to write, decide over your future so stop being a fucking dick." My blood is boiling and my eyes are piercing him.

"Come on, Ali. Don't be too hard on me." His green beautiful eyes piercing me with their gaze. He used my nickname... I clear my throat.
"You heard me. Tomorrow after school at my place." I say, my cheeks burning.

"And what if I don't want to?" He says, cleary teasing me.
"Then fuck off. I hope you get homeless." I roll my eyes at him and turn around to walk away.

"Okay, Jones." I turn around. "But only because I have a soft spot for you." He winks at me.

"Fuck you." I sigh. "Tomorrow at your place, gorgeous."

My heart skips a beat. "Don't call me that." I point a finger at him but he just laughs. "What? Gorgeous? It's your new nickname." He puts his helmet on.
"I don't want you to give me nicknames."

"And I don't care about your opinion, gorgeous." He flips down his visor, gets on his motorcycle and rides off.

Tyler Anderson this fucking bastard...

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