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Alice Jones

My other friends were out on that party right now. Saturday night. Of course everyone's going out. I'm home, laying in my bed, staring at the prom dress hanging on my door.

Everyone has a partner for prom. Even Cassie. She chose to go with Chris which is more than suspicious. They started spending more time together. Suspicious.

After my breakdown yesterday and dinner with Tyler I can't stop thinking about him. My own words echoing in my mind.
We're friends. Of course I care.

I scoff as I hear my own words over and over again. I'm so attracted to him, maybe even in love? I didn't know but his handsome face wouldn't leave my mind all day.

My feet suddenly started moving on their own. Getting me of my bed. Some voice tells me. Go, visit him.

I hate myself for this... I actually start moving, walking down stairs, my aunt sitting on the couch.
Her attention is drawn to me as I put my shoes on.

"Where are you going this late, Ali?" I shrug, I have to think of an excuse. Why? I don't know. "I uh, I'm going to Cassie's. We wanted to watch gossip girl together." I grin, trying to hide this big as lie.

Susen nods, a warm smile on her rosie lips. "Sure, will you sleep over?" Haven't thought about that...
"Probably, I'll text you if I change my mind." She nods again.

"Have fun." She smiles, turning her attention back to the TV.
Ich choke out a thanks I'll see you later and make my way out.

I know the dorm of the boys isn't far from my house. It's already dark outside, air cold and I'm cursing myself that I haven't thought about taking a jacket with me.

Especially because it starts raining a few seconds later. My hair starting to get soaked as well as my clothes. My brain isn't really working today I guess. I think back to the excuse I gave my aunt. Gossip Girl... I have never watched gossip girl...

A few minutes later I finally arrived at his dorm. I rang the door bell. Thinking, what if someone else opens the door? What if he isn't home...

A minute passes without anyone answering and my blood rushes cold at the reminder why. He's probably at that party too. I curse under my breath, looking at me shivering and dripping.

I turn around and sigh once more, preparing myself to go back home. "Alice?" I turn around, Tyler standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame as he's studying me.

Hair beautiful as ever, his green eyes scanning me, hoodie and sweatpants making him look so cuddle able.

I open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off. "Come in before you melt away from all that water." I step in, house quiet and warm, I see the TV running, he was playing video games.

"Why didn't you go?" I ask as he hands me a towel. "Go where? To the party?" I nod. He shrugs. "I could ask you the same." His green eyes so warm and beautiful as they stare into mine.

"I didn't feel like it." I look at the floor as I continue to dry myself off a bit. "So you decided to come here?" I nod. What should I tell him? God, I can't stop thinking about you. I think I'm in love with you.

Things like that? Never.
"I'd hoped you're home, we can spend some time together." A small smirk spreads across his lips. He nods towards his game, sitting back down on the couch.

"You want to join me?" I shake my head, taking off my jacket, goosebumps spreading all over my body. "Too bad, it'd beat your ass." He laughs, starting his game again as I sit down next to him, watching him play.

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