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Tyler Anderson

It broke my heart that Chris didn't pass his exams. Daniel and Noah passed with ease and now Noah really wanted to face his dad and visit him. He won't attend prom.

I wanted to ask Alice to go to prom with me but I asked myself if she's even worth it. She apologized when I was at her house for ignoring her but she did the same the days after.

What did I do to deserve this. I wanna show her how much I like her. How I care for her but how should I tell her when she walks past me every single time.

I knew we weren't just friends. There's something more but she won't give into me. Not even a single bit and it makes my heart ache.

She wizzed passed me earlier once again. She's been avoiding school all week and today was the first day I saw her again.

"You should look for her. She's crying." Noah mutters. His eyes worried as mine widened. Alice. Crying. What happened?
My feet started moving on their own, not really caring that I actually should ignore her too. I just followed the way she went earlier, opening the door to the staircase.

My eyes immediately landed on her, sitting on the stairs, crying. No one usually used these staircases that's why she's alone.

"Alice." I breathe out. I never saw her cry. She seemed so strong in front of everyone but since she stopped talking to me again she's been different. Not coming to school, missing out lessons and other stuff.

"What's wrong?" I gently sit down next to her, hearing her quiet sobbs. Oh how I wanted to take her into my arms and let her cry into my chest until my T-shirt is soaking wet.

Her head slowly moves up and she wipes her tears away with the back of her hand.
"Do you think I'm a slut?" She breathes out, voice shaky from crying. I shake my head hastily.

Her? A slut? Never. Not my girl.
"No, why would I?" She shruggs. Taking a deep breath to start talking again.

"I noticed how everyone started to talk bad about me since we started hooking up. Calling me a slut and other stuff." I know, I heard it too.

I wanted to smash their head but at the same time it felt like someone stabbed my heart, a pain growing in my chest. "Don't listen to them, they're just jealous, okay?" She looks at me, eyes swollen and red.

"It's not that easy. I tried but I can't ignore them forever." I finally pulled her into my embrace, her head disappearing into my chest.

"I'm sorry if I made you feel that way. You know I'd never force you to do anything. We can end this anytime." Her sobbs are muffled as she continues crying into my chest.

If she only knew how much I love her. She never returned my feelings, never told me what she felt, never talked to me about it after we had sex.

It was like her heart was in chains unable to be opened by the love I'm giving her. It's like she doesn't want to give into my love. Like my key to her heart isn't fitting.

I knew that she knew, but still, nothing.

"It's not you. It's myself." Herself? No, never. "I mean," she sniffles. "I started acting stupid. Like a total bitch. Making you jealous was dumb. Maybe even us hooking up..."

I shake my head even though I was so upset about her and Chris but my body just did things itself when I was near her.

"Stop denying it, Tyler. I acted like a total bitch. Maybe they're jealous but I hurt you, this is about you." I knew this wasn't just about me. I heard what girls said about her.

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