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You guys have to listen to S&M by Rihanna while reading the first part.

Tyler Anderson/ Alice Jones

Tyler Anderson

My motor was howling as I started to pick up speed, putting on S&M by Rihanna. I really needed to take my mind of school right now and what's better than a late night drive.

Chris cancelled his "date" with me last second and went out with a girl instead. More time for me to think and clear my mind.

I saw a guy staring out of his car window as my bike whizzed past him, a smirk of satisfaction making it onto my face. Even though it's almost summer and super hot over the day the night air still leaves slight goosebumps over my body.

The streets I was driving down started to empty as I drove further into the night, my neon lights reflecting on the dark street. I was bopping my head to the song and just enjoyed my time alone.

My mind kept repeating the accident in school today. I wanted to take my mind off it but I just couldn't. Kyle probably distances himself from us because his mother told him too.

He never went to one of our parties.
If I had to describe his life in one word it'd be depressive. Kyle doesn't really talk about his life at home.

He stopped talking to me and the other guys. Most of the time he sits there in silence without saying a word.

"Hey!" I heard someone shout, it was Daniel. His visor flipped up and I could see his eyes turn into a smile.

"Whatcha doin out here all alone?" I turned my music down. "Chris wanted to be my late night date for tonight but he went out with a girl instead." Daniel scoffs.

"This bitch. Probably fucking around right now. I'll be your date, Anderson. Let's see if your faster than me." His visor flicked down.

His bike made a really loud howling sound and two seconds later he was out of my sight. "That fucker." I chuckled and followed him. He knew he had no chance against me since my bike is faster than his but he still tried every time.

"Give up, Williams. You have no chance against me. Ya know I'm faster." He sighs as we both slow down. "You're right. Let's return home. I'm freezing, forgot my jacket." Now that we're slowing down I can feel what he means, it's cold, really cold.

"Okay let's get you home freezing baby." I know he was rolling his eyes at me even though I couldn't see it.


Alice Jones

My cheeks were burning as I stepped out of the classroom. Finally got all the exams done. This exam season took two weeks and now I feel tired. School makes me feel worn out.

There's the party coming up that Tyler invited me to. He probably doesn't even want to see me at the party after I told him to fuck off. He was right all along. Do I want Tyler Anderson to be right? No. Did he almost got suspended because of Alan and Adam? Yes.

I'm an asshole. I know I am. I wish he would've hit Adam until he can't move anymore, crawling on the floor until he's in front of me and beg for forgiveness that he was touching me.

"How did it go?" Cassie approaches me, placing her cold hands onto my red burning cheeks. "You're cheeks are fire, Ali." She laughs. "It went well I think. What do you think?" She nods in agreement.

"Same, I think-" She got cut off and I started screaming as someone threw me over his shoulder.
"Sorry Cas, I'll give her back later."

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