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Alice Jones

"How do I look?" Brian walks into my room. I eye him up and down. His hair is slightly styled back, he's wearing a shirt which shows a bit of his chest and a blue jeans.

"You really look good." He smiles. "Approved? Can I go like this?" I nod and chuckle. "Approved."
He looked really nervous. I had this bad feeling that Madeline was going to dump him. I don't think she's going to show up.

"Have fun and just be yourself." Brian grinned slightly. "You're giving me tips like you've been in thousands of relationships." He put on his jacket and left the house.

I've never been in a relationship or had my first kiss and I'm still a virgin. I never really got attention from boys at my old school. But I never really had a problem with it either. I didn't necessarily have to lose my virginity to some guy.

It was a highlight that Kyle's friends were interested in me. Me and Cassie usually sit with them during the breaks and we all talk and laugh a lot.

I hadn't really spoken to Tyler again. He had often tried to talk to me but I gave him the cold shoulder after his stupid comment last week.

"Do you know where Brian went?" Aunt Susen walks into the living room. "He has a date." I smile and she looks at me in surprise.
"A date, huh?' She laughs. "That's new to me. My baby is getting big. He didn't went on a date for years."

Brian isn't ugly at all but he also isn't really the type to go out a lot which is also the reason why he doesn't meet new people that often.

He seems to really like Madeline and that's why he'll be sad if she doesn't show up.

"We have almost no food left at home. I'll go buy some groceries now. Would you like join me?" I shake my head. "No, I still have to finish my homework." She nods.

"You're so diligent. I'm proud of you, Ali." My heart stopped for a second. Ali. That's what my mother had always called me. It was my favorite nickname. "Oh, sorry, I shouldn't have said that." Guilt spreads over her face.

"It's okay." I give her a gentle smile. "I'm fine with you calling me Ali. It's my favorite nickname after all." She smiled one last time and then left the house as well.

I'd been working on my homework for two hours and was almost finished. Suddenly I heard the door bang loudly in the lock and someone stomped up the stairs. Shortly afterwards, Brian was standing in my room.

"You were right! Kyle was right!" he slurred. "Was the date so bad that you had to get drunk?" He shook his head hastily. "She didn't even show up." He rubbed his face in exasperation.

"I should have known!" He sighed. "How can I be so stupid?"
"Don't put the blame on yourself. You couldn't have known." I gently rub his back. He looked so desperate. "You'll find the right one." He scoffs. "Anyone's better than her."

I am glad that he has finally realized it. I hope he learns from his mistakes and maybe listens to his little cousin after all.

"Rest up and don't get too angry, Brian. She's not worth it." He gets up from my bed again and undoes the buttons on his shirt. "Thanks for his help." He leaves my room and I get ready for bed.


"Good morning." Kyle says sighing and sits down next to me. "I pulled an all nighter. I hope this test goes well." He looks at me, his tired eyes piercing mine. He seems to be a person who has to study hard to get good result. "You ready?"

We'll write our first test today. Of course I'm ready. I didn't pull an all nighter but I studied well.
"Hell yeah." I smile. "You're so confident. I wish I had your confidence." I snort. "It's not about confidence, Kyle. When you know you've studied enough you shouldn't worry about the test."

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