
121 4 0

Alice Jones

It felt like my head would explode any moment as I walked out of the classroom. It's done. I did it. I'm done with my finals. Now I just have to wait for the results.

Mom, I did it. All for you. I hope you're proud of me.
I didn't even notice that tears started rolling down my eyes, shit.

I sprinted towards the restroom and locked myself up in one of the stalls. Calm down, Alice. Calm down.

I heard the door of the restroom opening, two female voices laughing. "She seems to be such a slut. Saw her making out with Caddle and Anderson." Suddenly everything around me stopped.

Are they talking
No way. This can't be. "Who's she anyway. She just came, got Mrs. Adams favorite and fucks the most handsome boys at our school."

I hear the other girl scoffing. "Such a slut." The tears that just stopped rolling down my cheeks started flooding my cheeks down this time.

I held a hand in front of my mouth to muffle my whimpers and sobs. The door fell shut and shortly after I was ugly crying in that stall.

Is this how they all think about me? Is this how Tyler thinks about me? My friends? Do they know I hooked up with Tyler?

My body rushed hot and cold, hot and cold in seconds. I lifted myself from the toilet, wiping my tear flooded cheeks. Okay, you'll just go home immediately.

I took deep breaths and left the restroom. My steps fast as I walked towards our big doors. Maybe I should be forgotten for some days.

I made my way out of the school building and onto the streets. Making my way home.

And who would've thought I'd lay in bed with fever all week. I threw up twice today, cheeks burning red, dark circles under my eyes because of the lag of sleep and coughing like crazy.

I think I got the flu or something. There's a soft knock on my door before my aunt walks in. "Hey, I made you a soup." She smiles softly as she places the bowl onto the night stand.

"Thank you but I don't know if I'm able to eat it." I smile softly, she sits down on the edge of the bed, her eyes scanning my face. "I'm so sorry, darling." She runs a soothing hand over my head.

I close my eyes, enjoying her soft touch on me. She reminded me of my mother so much. It felt scary sometimes because I saw my mother sitting in front of me instead of her.

"Will you be fine if me and your cousin go to that event tomorrow evening?" I nod. "Of course, I'll be fine. Go and enjoy yourselves." She gently gets up from my bed.

"Thank you. Try and eat something. I'll leave you alone." She smiles softly, closing the door behind her.

Everything's so messed up. I keep having weird fever dreams. About Tyler and about school. Them hating me, them lying to me and betraying me and them pretending to be my friends.

It all seemed so messed up. I haven't replied to Cassie's messages or Tyler's calls. I didn't even text them I felt sick and had been staying home all week.


I thought the day after would be the day I'd feel better but I slept all day after my lack of sleep over all these nights.

Susen and Brian left for their event an hour ago but I kinda slept through it and didn't notice them leaving.

It was raining heavily outside, slight summer rain and the sky was painted in pretty pink and orange tones as I looked outside the window.

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