Alice Jones

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First day of senior year. I should be happy about it,finally leaving school. But there's this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I feel like it's gonna be a terrible year for me.
My whole summer was terrible. My mother lost the fight against cancer and died.
And my father...

He's never been there for me and still isn't. He only cames to check on me once a month but stopped with that shortly after. He got his new girlfriend who he loves spending time with.

He didn't care about Mum. I was the one looking for jobs to earn money so I could pay Mum's hospital bills. He didn't even came to her funeral.

My life feels empty without her. She was the person who understood me the most and now she's gone. I feel alone. I never opened up to anyone about my mothers death.

I just stayed quiet. Neither did I talk about my dad. I never talk about my family. My father is an arrogant asshole but my mother loved him so much.

In my eyes he never loved her. He only stayed for us. My sister and me.
She moved to Chicago after Mum's funeral and hasn't contacted me afterwards ever again.

I'm on my own and I feel like I can't do it. I feel empty. The whole house feels empty.

And that's why I moved in with my aunt a few weeks ago. She said she would take care of me and didn't want me to stay alone in the big house.

"You can't stay in bed all day, sleepyhead." My cousin opened the door of my room. "Come on,Alice. You have 30 minutes left to get ready or I'll go without you." He pulled the warm blanket off my body.

"Go away, Brian! Who allowed you to just come in?" I snapped at him while getting out of bed. "I sacrificed my room for you so stop complaining you annoying brat!" He rolled his eyes.

"Brian! I told you to leave Alice alone! Get out of her room!" Aunt Susen yelled. "But Mom, it's mine!" I chuckled.

"Go find yourself an apartment, dumbass! You're 23." I crossed my arms while looking at him with a little smirk on my lips.

"You're so mean! I'll not take you to school anymore." He left my room nagging.

I shook my head laughing and got ready for school.


"I'll pick you up later!" He yelled after me as I got out of the car. I just waved at him in embarrassment.

I entered the building taking a deep breath. New home, new school and probably new people.

Everything looked kinda different. I didn't know where to go. I spotted a boy from afar and approached him.

"Excuse me?" I tapped the boy with blonde hair on the shoulder. He turned around and eyed me.

"How can I help you? Are you new?" I nodded. "Can you show me the principal's office?" He smiled at me. "Of course! What's your name?"

"Alice Jones. What's yours?" He smiled at me. "I'm Kyle. Nice to meet you Alice. Follow me."

While I was following him I eyed him. He wasn't really muscular but still really handsome. Blonde hair,grey/green eyes. Glasses sitting on his nose and some freckles on his cheeks. He looked really cute.

"Okay we're here. I'll wait for you and guide you to class." He smiled, leaning against the wall. "I'll be quick." I smiled and entered the office.

"Hello. You're Miss Jones right?" The principal asked me." I nodded and sat down. "You're a great student and I hope you'll continue to be." She smiled, handing me a list.

"Your classroom is the one on the second floor. Number 201 and the others classes are marked on the list. If you have questions or need anything please feel free to ask me." "Thank you so much Mrs.-"

"Adams." She smiled. "Thank you Mrs. Adams." I left her office and to my surprise Kyle was really waiting for me.

"Which classroom, Madame?" Kyle asked running a hand through his hair.

"201 on the second floor." He looked at me with big eyes. "No way! That's my classroom.We're in the same class." He smiled pulling me with him.


"You can sit down next to me if you want." He smiled at me, pointing to his desk. "Thanks." I smiled, sitting down next to him.

“Are you new here? The city and stuff or just a new school?” He asked me as he eyed me.
"Just a new school. The old one wasn't the best one." I smile.

"Hey Adams." A girl strokes his hair and then looks at me. "I've never seen you here before. Who are you?"

"Alice Jones. You?" I can give back that bitchy aditude of her. She seems surprised. Not answering me as she walks aways.

"Don't mind her. That's Madeline Johnson. She's one of the bitches here." Kyle sighs and I start laughing.

"Mean girl, huh?" He nods. "I think a school is not a school without the mean ones, right?" "Maybe you're right."

As the class started I had to introduce myself and the teacher explained some stuff about the school. There's a basketball team, cheerleaders (of course) and some other activities I could participate in.

"I'm too short for the basketball team." Kyle sighs. "But I'm on the soccer team." He smiles.
"Oh really?" He has a proud look on his face. "Me and some other friends. We're really good. You have to watch one of our games one day."

I laugh. "If you say so."
Kyle seems like a nice guy. I think this will be my school year and my exams and graduation are going to be so good.

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