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Alice Jones

What should I say...
My week was really exciting. Full of orgasms and sex with Tyler Anderson. I don't know how we got to that point but we kinda got to it.

It felt weird how much my body arched for him when he was close. It felt like I got wet as soon as I saw him approaching.

What has gotten into me? I used to never touch a guy. Now I'm addicted...

"Can we talk?" Kyle...
"Why do you want to talk? Because you've been such an asshole towards me for the past weeks?" He wants to open his mouth to talk but I'm just too mad at him right now.

"God, just because you can't bare that I'm better than you. You're such an asshole." He scoffs, such an evil grin on his face. Is this the Kyle I know? The one who showed me around when I arrived here.

Who introduced me to his friends? Who used to walk to school with me? Fuck no. Definitely not.

"If I was you I'd stop hanging out with Tyler and the others. They're a bad influence for you." I shake my head. "No, they're not. Stop talking nonsense." His eyes pierce mine.

"He'll hurt you. Stop hanging around with them and especially him." I knew that Kyle watches us when we drive home. "You're so different. I can't recognize you anymore." My gaze softens.

"Maybe you never really knew me." He fixes his glasses with his finger, turns around and walks away.

"What's wrong?" A female voice said. It's Cassie. "Kyle told me to stop wasting my time with you and the boys. He said they're a bad influence."
"He's got pretty weird. Asshole." It's weird hearing Cassie curse even though she does it a lot.

But her looks are different. She looks like a beautiful sunflower, always smiling, nice and friendly to everyone around her. I love spending time with her.

"Let's forget about him, okay?" I nod and she takes my hands into hers. "I'm glad to have you as my friend and I'd never do anything to make you feel bad." I smile, how I love her.

"I know and I'm glad to have you as my friend, Cassie." I pull her into a tight hug, my arms wrapping around her tightly. "Thank you for always being there for me." I've always wished for a best friend like her.

After a time we pulled away from our hug. "I have to get to my next class. I'll see you after school?" I nod. "See you after school." She disappeared and I walked down the hallway.

I had no class right now and I didn't really know what to do. I saw Tyler talking to Bailey in the hallway. Yeah, there was that feeling again. He hasn't seen me yet.

"Could I talk to him for a second?" I asked and looked at Bailey. Of course she gave me a disgusted look. "Sure." She scoffed and walked away.

Tyler's green eyes eyed me quickly. "What is it, gorgeous?" He knew that I wanted something from him. He'll be the death of me. I swear. That's not good at all.

"Wanna quickly go to the restroom with me?" I had this smirk on my lips through which he immediately knew what I wanted.

A wicked grin crosses his face as he replies, "Miss Jones, what do you have in mind?" I knew, he knew. He takes my hand and leads me to the restroom, a devilish glint in his eye.

I close the door behind us and lock it as we arrive. My eyes drowned in lust and passion.
Tyler chuckles softly and leans against the door, crossing his arms over his chest. "What's on your mind, gorgeous?"

"I'm kinda horny right now, you know?" I kinda felt embarrassed admitting it just like that. I scolded him a few weeks ago for talking so openly about it and now I'm the one standing in this restroom, in school, telling him I'm horny.

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