13 . T H I R T E E N

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Ishitaa POV

He was trying to move but he still couldn't .
He stopped trying suddenly . He looked at me and suddenly I looked away as I was caught looking at him and his struggles .

" Give me your phone ." He demanded .

" W-Why ?" I asked .

" Give ." He said in tempting way which can make anyone obey his order.

" Hm." I hummed as I was hypnotized by his dark brown eyes which were almost as deep as Pacific Ocean .
I took my phone and gave to him .

While giving my phone to him , my hands slightly touched his hands . That weird sensation ran through me from my tip of hands to my heart .
The blood supply releasing from my heart started boiling with a quick sensation .
That flow slowly went up till my cheeks making it crimson red .

I didn't understand that I was looking at him till he disturbed my fictional world .

" Password ?" He asked with a dominance in his voice .

" 8085 ." I said as he frowned .

" It isn't opening ?" He said which made me frown .

" S-Sorry . It's 4386 ." I said as I clicked that I changed my password after giving a great embarrassment to myself .

The click sound indicated that my phone was unlocked . He searched for Google maps and opening it he entered ' Kochi Beach ' on search bar .

" It'll take an hour to reach there ." He said turning the staring wheel using his one hand while the sleeves folded up revealing his veiny hands .

What the heck !? Ishitaa !!!!! That's so embarrassing!!!!
How can you think like that ! Come out of your imagination .
To avoided my delusional world be heavy on me , I looked outside the window .

Kartik POV

The reason of me agreeing for this foolish idea of those elderly people was to get to know the origin of this problem .
I would have handled this forced marriage as I knew I would never fall for her . But I didn't want to hurt any innocent .

Why I don't know but I felt like I'm being much cruel when our marriage was set .
First time in my life after the 5 years of my struggles to come over her love , a another girl whom I met yesterday has made me see my cruelty .

I wanted to know everything about her at this point . When she was staring at me with those doe eyes filled with all watery layer , I felt my dead heart having some feelings .
Yesterday night , I was thinking about her .
Today morning , I though about her first when I woke up .
Right now , I'm fucking thinking about her !

Heck!!!!! Ishitaa Nair , you're making me go crazy .
You're obsessive .

" Fuck !" I cursed under my breath when her hair strands flew behind her neck revealing her bare neck .

Kartik Chauhan !!!!!!! Fucking concentrate on ROAD!! She's not something to focus on .
I gripped on the staring wheel and squinted my eyes a bit with frustration of her influence growing me inside .

I won't let her do that so . I won't fall for her . All girls are same .

Time skip to 1 hour .

Ishitaa POV

We are reached the beach . Though it was morning , still the streets were filled with people.

We both came out of car without uttering a single word .

" Where should we go ?" He asked me .

" We should g-go to temple first . It's near the beach ." I said as he nodded .

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