42 . F O R T Y - T W O

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Important NOTE -

Today's chapter is way too lengthy . Hope you love it and is worthy of the wait .
I hope you keep loving the story .

There are still people asking me that whether my account on Scrollstack is permanent or not ,
I'm again telling everyone, it's not permanent !
It'll permanent when I'll get a new phone .
Hope you understand what I said .

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(Target is high because the chapter is lengthy .)
( Yes , I'll take 1 day to upload chapter because I'm on holidays but can't stop writing for my lovely readers .)


Kartik POV

" I f**king said she can't because I'll never let her do so ." I said greetings my teeth .
" She has caught my f**king attention so I'll make sure she is infront of me 24/7 , everytime when I'll breath ." I said as that tongue poked my inner cheek .

" You're going to regret ." He said as he scoffed and turned to leave .
No sooner did he reach to the door , he turned and said ,
" Change this attitude of yours or regret for life time ." He left the room with banging the door loud .

What does he think of himself ?
Getting a piece of information about her doesn't make him a saviour .

That's f**king irritating to have him close to her . I can't keep him close to her. He knows how to get on my nerves .
" Being fair isn't good everytime , when will this servant of law get it ?" I mumbled while a scoff escaped my mouth .

Radhika hasn't talked to me neat since I stepped here . I'm feeling guilty . I know that she's upset about the situation but I can't handle everyone at a time .

My focus is to save her .
Even if it takes my everything .

Time skip to 5 pm

Ishitaa POV

I looked at the clock while getting all ready .
" He's going to lock me up in room , right ?" I questioned Nidhi who was looking at me from past 10 minutes

" No ." She answered for 6th time in row so do I've asked this question to her for 6 th time .

" I think he might take me to talk with Amma ." I suggested as she looked confused .

" Don't you think you're overthinking ?" She questioned at my odd behaviour .

" N-No . I'm just trying to predict ." I said defending myself .

" Whatever , get out and let me do my work ." She said ignoring me , who won't get tired of consoling me for 100th time in an hour .

I came outside my room just to find his figure resting on the wall and looking into his cell phone opposite to my room .
His formal yet casual attire fitted to his body like his second skin .
His shirt colour suited his skin colour perfectly . Not going to lie , this man has perfect sense of fashion .
His ivory coloured pant was parallel length all way down .

I hated myself for checking him out like this .
I hate him , I really hate him alot but on the other side I stare at him like he's whole meal .

" Mrs. Chauhan , if you want to stare , you can but if you ask then I can show you pretty much things to gawk at ." He words snapped at me . His slight smirk was there like always .
And in few moments , my cheeks covered with red crimson colour .

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