25 . T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Important NOTE :-

Well in last chapter I said that THIS CHAPTER IS DAMN INTERESTING !

If you feel like it's amazing then comment and let me know .
And if anyone thinks that it is not as amazing as it like I said then please comment what you expected .

Hope everyone is doing well !

A quick question for everyone ,

What are your opinions about kpop's new generation ?
(I'm eager to know)

And since you completed yesterday's target so here it is , the next chapter for you all !!!!

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Kartik POV

My ears got alert when she said earrings.... Earrings ...... That's what I found today in the morning ! I quickly looked back .

She showed her earring .

Damn ! It's same earring I saw in my cabinet !

But what's her earring was doing in my cabinet ? Did she came to my cabinet ?

Today even mom came in without me opening the door . That means the door was open .

Did she sneak ? Why ? What made her do that so ?

Many questions were rumbling through my mind . I wanted their answers !
I was desperate to get their answers.

And only person can give them.....

Herself...... Ishitaa .....

But how should I ask her when that Radha is with her ? Will she answer me ? Doesn't she hate me ?

" I'll search in cabinet till then you search here ." I heard Radha saying .
That's good opportunity .

I saw Radha going back into the Train , I looked aside to check whether anyone is aware looking at me and her or not .

Cautiously looking here and there , I went a bit closer to her .

" Is this what you're finding ?" I said as she looked at my hand which was holding her earrings .

" Y-Yes . H-How did you get this ?" She said trying to get that earrings from me .
But I didn't give them back .

" Follow me . And no questions ." I said coldly while putting that earrings putting into my pant pocket.

" B-But ...." She interrupted .

" No questions ." I glared at her as she looked sideways and nodded .

We went to a place where it was less crowded or you can say no people at all .
I stopped and was about to look behind but she bumped to my back .

" S-Sorry" she said while backing off .

" Let me get straight to point , What we're you doing in my cabinet ? " I asked as she looked at me with wide eyes .
All I could do was to stand there and listen her cause she was the only person who could tell me everything right now .

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