part 20 fever and periods

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Avanya pov:

"Here is your medicine. Take it. And chocolate to replace it's bitter taste" He said sitting beside me giving me glass of water..

I was feeling pain everywhere in body because of fever and periods. I mean I got both things together. I took medicine from his hand and gulped it with water. After that he gave me chocolate which made me feel better..

"Where is it paining? Back or stomach? " He asked holding hot water bag

"Back" I muttered and he help me in laying on bed.. He put hot water bag behind it making me relax with sigh

"What's this? " I asked looking at bowl with water and a white piece of cloth

He came and sat beside me holding it. "It will help in reducing fever. Now sleep okay? " He said pecking my forehead

He dipped the cloth in water and soaked it. After that he put it on my forehead pressing gently..

His one hand went on my stomach under my tshirt making me shiver.. I opened my eyes
"Akshit.. " I murmured

He looked at me with soft eyes "Relax..I'm massaging your stomach. You will feel better jaan" He said and started massaging lower area of my stomach in circular motion making me sigh in relief

I closed my eyes and went into deep slumber.

It was 11 when I opened my eyes and saw akshit sleeping beside me.. His hand was still inside my tshirt. And one hand over ny forehead holding that cloth. I smiled looking at his face.. His long lashes, pointed nose, pink lips.He is epitome of perfection with perfect jawline, perfect body and what not. What he saw in me.. I mean yes no doubt I'm beautiful, very beautiful. But still.

Last night, the way he cared for me. He was so worried, he tried his best to take my pain away.. I don't know what came to me but I palmed his cheeks and kissed his forehead..

Carefully removing his hand from my waist, I got up from bed.. My gaze went to the bowl on the table and it was empty. He was awake whole night.
It feel good when someone take care of me. After so long. After mom dad, there was no one for caring me. sahil was child and we both were alone. I took care of sahil as I was elder but there was no one for me.

I looked at his sleeping figure with thankfulness and gratitude in my eyes. Taking my clothes and necessities from the cupboard , I went in washroom . My yesterday clothes were also washed, he washed them..

I smiled looking at them. He is a very good man . He got my respect today.. Usually men refrain themselves from doing these things because they consider it as disgusting. But he touched them, washed them..

I took a warm shower and wore a comfortable pink cotton suit .

I was combing my hair when I heard a knock on the door. I immediately went to open it so that akshit's sleep don't get disturb..

It was mumma , she looked at me surprised and put her hand on my forehead
"Hmm.. Now fever is less.. Tum uth kyu gyi bacha.. You should rest.. " She said entering inside room
(Why did you wake up?)

"I'm fine mumma that's why I woke up. " I assure her with smile, which she passed back

"Hmm.. See this boy, he is sleeping now.. " Mumma said looking at akshit

"Mumma let him be.. He was awake all night taking my care.. " I said looking at akshit.

Mumma smiled and we sat on couch " Hmm.. He came in morning and told me that you are suffering from fever as well as periods.. He was so worried.. He told me to make something healthy for you when you woke up.. So I came to check on you.. " Mumma said with a smile

"Now as you woke up. So I'll bring food for you here. Okay! Don't come down stairs, just stay in the room and take rest.. If you want anything then tell me,I'll bring it for you.." Mumma said patting my cheeks lovingly , I smiled and hugged her saying thank you

"Arey pagal ladki.. Maa ko koi thank you bolte hain" She said smacking my back lightly making me chuckle
(Silly girl, who says thank to mother?)

"Chalo now you go and rest in bed.. I'll send your breakfast! Eat all of it.. Hmm" Mumma said and went out of the room.

I'm so blessed to have them as my inlaws. Mumma and papa must be happy that I got such a loving and caring family.

Househelp came with food which I took from her and thanked her.. Sitting on the couch, I started eating food to gain energy.

I looked at akshit who was rubbing his eyes.. He looked at me and smiled "you fine now? How is your fever? Let's go to the doctor.. Why didn't you wake me? " He started rambling.

I scoffed "RELAX! I'm fine now. And you were awake last night that's why I didn't wake you.. "

He nodded with a sheepish smile and got off the bed.. Coming towards me he checked my forehead for  fever. Pecking my forehead he muttered "hmm.. It's not much but we are still going to the doctor. I'll freshen up then we will go okay! " Saying this he took his clothes from the cupboard and went to the washroom.

After taking a shower he came wearing a blue shirt and white jeans. I was done with breakfast

"Come on.. I bought your breakfast.. Eat it. " I said to him to which he nodded and sat on couch eating breakfast

"Where are you going? " He asked taking sip of juice

"I'm coming " Saying this I went down stairs and came back after 2 minutes

He looked at me when I poked his arm . He raised his brows when I gave him a chocolate and a rose

"It's my way of thanking you for yesterday taking care of me" I said with little smile playing on my lips

He looked at me and held my wrist to pull me on his lap. I squealed at sudden action.. Circling his arms around my waist he muttered "stop wiggling sunshine. And I'm your husband. I love you so there is no need to thank me for taking care of you. It's my duty to take care of my jaan. " He said and kissed my palm.

Opening the chocolate he said "yes but i accept this flower from my love and about chocolate we can share it.. " He feed me half chocolate and ate half himself

My cheeks warmed up due to close proximity.. "I need to go" I muttered in low voice to which he chuckled

"Are you feeling shy shy? " He asked which I glared and he kept his mouth shut

Sorry for the late update.. But you guys don't vote yrr..

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