35 possessive

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Avanya pov:

Today is a bachelor's party for harshit bhaiya. We youngsters decided to go to the club . Just when I was deciding on my dress, akshit entered and gave me a small smile.

"That one,''  he said with a smile, "you'll shine like a diamond in that dress." I rolled my eyes playfully, but couldn't help feeling a flutter in my chest at his compliment.

"By the way, I just spoke with Sahil, and he's arriving tomorrow morning," Akshit said, catching me off guard.

My eyes widened in surprise, and I exclaimed, "Really? Wow, I... He told me he couldn't make it, but yes! Oh god, I've missed him so much!" I threw my arms around Akshit, giving him a tight hug.

He stumbled backward, and we both tumbled onto the bed, with me landing on top of him. As I looked into his face, radiant with joy, I couldn't resist planting a kiss on his cheek. His eyes sparkled with delight, and his smile grew wider.

He raised an eyebrow in amusement, wrapping his arm around me. With a mischievous grin, he pointed to his other cheek, asking for a kiss to match the one I'd already given him. I smiled and leaned in, intending to peck his cheek, but he swiftly turned his head, and my lips landed on his instead.

The kiss deepened, leaving me breathless. I pulled back, my face flushing, and playfully slapped his chest before hiding my face in the crook of his neck.

Just as we were lost in the moment, the door swung open, and our eyes widened in surprise. We quickly pulled apart, our faces flushing with shyness .

And then, our gaze fell upon a tiny ball of energy - a little girl with two adorable ponytails, clutching a doll tightly in her hand . It was Srishti, Akshit's cousin's daughter, standing in the doorway with an innocent smile on her face, completely unaware of the awkwardness she had just interrupted.

"Hi Srishti, come inside!" I said, trying to sound calm despite the awkwardness.
She entered with a pout, her little feet stomping on the floor, and stood in front of Akshit, who smiled warmly at her. "What's wrong, baby?" he asked, his voice gentle.

Srishti looked up at him with teary eyes and threw her arms around his waist, burying her face in his chest. "Ansh is taking my doll!" she mumbled, her voice muffled.

Akshit's face softened, and he affectionately patted her hair, reassuring her, "Don't worry, I'll protect your doll. No one will take it from you." I watched the duo, my heart melting at the tender moment. Akshit was so natural with kids, and it was clear that Srishti adored him.

"Chachu, can I stay here?" Srishti asked in her adorable voice, looking up at Akshit with pleading eyes.

I moved forward, sitting on my knees, and gently cupped her soft, chubby cheeks. "Of course, baby! Let's watch a Disney movie, okay?" I asked, using a soothing tone. Her face lit up with a grin, and she enthusiastically nodded her head.

We settled in on the bed together, Srishti snuggled up in Akshit's lap, and I sat beside him, my head resting on his shoulder.


The black bodycon dress hugged my curves in all the right places, its sleek fabric stretching across my skin like a second skin. But what truly made it beautiful was the intricate design of white shining beads that adorned the chest area, forming a delicate pattern that sparkled like diamonds in the light. The strap, too, was embellished with beads, adding a touch of elegance to the overall look.

As I came out from the room, my eyes landed on Akshit, and I was taken aback by his captivating appearance

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As I came out from the room, my eyes landed on Akshit, and I was taken aback by his captivating appearance. He wore a black shirt paired with fitted jeans, showcasing his toned physique. His hair was perfectly imperfect, with a few strands messily framing his face. The top buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing a glimpse of his toned chest, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing his strong, veiny arms. My heart skipped a beat as I took in the sight of him, his rugged charm and effortless style leaving me breathless.

I approached him, catching him off guard, and his gaze swept over me from head to toe, his eyes fixed on mine without blinking

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I approached him, catching him off guard, and his gaze swept over me from head to toe, his eyes fixed on mine without blinking. I smiled, my fingers moving to button up his shirt, as he grasped my waist, his eyes locked on my face. My cheeks flushed under his intense stare, and as I looked up, he claimed my lips in a deep, passionate kiss. His cold lips sent shivers down my spine, and his teeth gently grazed my lower lip before his tongue traced it with a sensual stroke.
My hands instinctively traced the contours of his abs, hidden beneath his shirt. He softened the kiss, his lips sucking mine tenderly, as his hands roamed my back, igniting sparks throughout my body.

We broke apart, gasping for air, our foreheads touching as he whispered, ''Sorry, I should have asked for permission, but I couldn't help myself.'' I smiled, touched by his consideration and care for me.

I gently caressed his cheeks with my palms, feeling a deep connection, and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.

"It's okay," I assured him with a smile, trying to ease his concern. He smiled back, his eyes crinkling at the corners, and muttered, "You're looking so hot, so beautiful... Like a enchantress ." His voice was low and husky, sending a shiver down my spine.

I felt my cheeks flush with pleasure at his compliment and replied, ''You're looking stunning too, black really suits you. Stay by my side, I don't want anyone else's eyes on my husband.''

His eyes widened in surprise as I called him my husband, and a joyful grin spread across his face. ''You have no idea how happy it makes me to know you're possessive about me too,'' he whispered, his voice filled with delight. I smiled, feeling a sense of connection, and we walked outside together, our hands intertwined, our fingers tangled in a loving embrace.

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Next update: Sunday

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