part 21 crying in his arms

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Avanya pov:
Finally now I am all fine and fit.. My fever has now disappeared and periods as well. Akshit took care of me and rest of family as well.. I feel like crying seeing all of them worry for me.. Caring me.. Mumma, papa, bua , bhai, bhabhi, harhsit and esha . Everyone is so nice.

After my parents death, I was kind of left alone to took care of. Being elder to sahil, I used to take care of him. But there was no one for me.

This made me remember that I didn't even grieved for my parents death. Yes the day we got to know about their accident , sahil fainted. And I then realise that I need to be strong for my brother, my little boy needs me.. Forcing tears back which were threatening to come out, I decided to be mature.

A thumb wiped my tears and I realise I was crying

"What happen love? Are you in pain? Did something happened? Who made you cry? " Akshit asked palming my cheeks

"I.. I just remember something.. I'm fine.. Excuse me " I said getting off bed to went to washroom.

I hate being vulnerable.. Crying in front of anyone..

"Are you missing your parents? " I frozed on my place

"Yes, you are.. Come here my little tigress" He commanded in stern yet gentle voice

Oh shouldn't listen to him na.. I should ignore him.. But my feet without listening to me took me in front of him

He kept his blazer on bed and hold me from waist pulling me into hug

"Sweetheart.. You can cry.. As much as you want.. Vent it out.. Everything. I'm here for you. Trust me you will feel better. Please jaan.. " He said and this was last string which was holding me..

I cried, sobbed, till my heart satisfied.. It felt good.. Crying in someone's arms.. I lend my shoulder to sahil to cry on.. But I didn't get anyone's.

"I miss them" I whispered in hoarse voice..

He rubbed his hands on my back and murmured "I know.. "

"Why they have to leave me akshit.. I had so much planned.. " I looked up from his chest and said " I wanted dad to see me getting graduate.. I wanted him to see me getting job , I wanted to bought something for them from my first earned money.. I wanted to celebrate my brithdays, festivals, sahil's birthdays, everything with my parents.." Tears rolled down from my throat was hurting due to crying..yet it didn't stop me.." I missed me and dad sneaking out for ice cream in winter and then next day getting scolded by mumma, seeing sahil smiling and teasing us for getting scolded.. I missed those days when dad used to bring gifts for us on diwali.. You know our family was small yet happy.. We weren't that rich.. But we were so happy.. I wish could go back to time.. I wish I could fight death for my parents.. I wish I could get them back.. Why there is death.. Can't we live till we want.. What's the logic of death.. " I murmured and cried more..

He wiped my tears and I didn't know when I slept in his arms, it felt peace.. Strange isn't it? The man I hate is providing me peace..

It's just I'm vulnerable and he seem to see it.. That's it.. Avanya don't you dare have soft spot for him. He is not worth it.. Remember.

"But you are happy with him.. His family.. He didn't did anything without your consent yet.. " My subconscious jump in between

Ignoring it.. I looked at the man sleeping beside me.. With me in his arms crushing him.. His hands on my back.


"Avanya bhabhi what will you wear tomorrow.. It's holi and we all wear white on holi! " Esha asked excitedly

"I have white lehenga and saree too. What should I wear? " I asked pouting

"Lehenga " Ishita bhabhi said nodding

"Holi.. Baloon.. Colours.. " Kiaan said wiggling up and down

We all laughed

"Ohh.. Women of this house are gossiping " We heard voice of avinash bhaiya who was standing with harshit and akshit

"Yeah.. I was telling them about my struggle of living with you" Ishita bhabhi said dramatically making us laughed

"Oh really? " Avinash bhai raised his brows

Ishita bhabhi smiled and winked at bhai

"Hey guys I have a plan! " Esha said taking our attention

All 3 men came and sit near us

"Let's have a challenge.. Among us girls and you boys.. Tomorrow whoever will apply colour on his or her partner will win and can ask another one to do anything.. Basically we have to save ourselves from getting coloured and have to colour our spouse. It's for bhabhis and bhaiyas.. What say? " Esha said to which harshit nodded

"It's good idea.. I'm in team of my bhabhis.. " He said and came near us

"Huh? Losers bond with losers.. We will win right akshit? " Avinash bhaiya said

"Arey rhne do.. Bas baatein krva lo tum se.. Jeetenge ham hi.. Haina avanya! " Ishita bhabhi said

Leave it.. You can only talk... We will win! Right avanya?)

I nodded with a smile and looked at akshit who smiled amusingly

Ignoring him I took ziyaan who was about to pick his car toy

He is so golu-molu.. Hehe.. I always pinch his cheeks and kiss him.. He is cutest.

Guys VOTE krne mein itna kyun sharmate ho?
VOTE KRO! tbhi agla part dalungi😤


Bye bye..


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