27 cupcakes

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Avanya pov:

"You know avanya you are so lucky! " Divya ny colleague said with a warm smile over her face.
I frowned at her.

"Ohho! The way sir took stand for you! He can't bear anyone say bad about you! These type of men are very few and you are lucky you hot him. And I'm so happy for you " She said side hugging me.

A small smile came on my lips remembering it. How he made jia shut her mouth. I don't like when I do hard work and people comment that I got project due to my husband.

"Ohhooo.. Khan kho gyi behen? Jiju ke khyalo m " Swati, my other friend teased me.
(Where are you lost sister? In brother in law's thoughts)

I smacked her forehead saying shut up to which both swati and divya laughed.

I shaked my head and started focussing on my laptop. Just then akshit's P. A shikha came towards me.

"Hi avanya these are three interns allotted to you" She gave me Instruction paper along with other details and three interns also came with her.

"Okay shikha di! Thank you" I smiled to which she nodded with a smile and left .

"Good morning Mam" One of intern said followed by others.

"Good Morning ! Take a seat everyone" I said softly.

"Hmm.. So let's start with introduction. Myself Avanya Rathore and now you all tell me about yourself" I said and they started telling me.

Aysha, Pranjal and Nivesh are their names.

"Okay great! So we have to submit three best designs among which one will be selected and we have 1 week for preparation of design and other will be used to making if dress " I said looking at the instruction paper

"Yes Mam" They nodded.

"And we have indo-western theme. Okay so here we are a team and we all have to do our best.  " I said further looking at them.

"Hmm.. I'm thinking that we all should make best dresses individually and then at last dresses with combination of best design from our individual designs! Do you want to give any suggestions? " I asked to which they shake their head.

"Hmm.. So I think two days are enough to make dresses. Do your best, and we will meet after 2 days to make our best dress out of all of our designs " I said and they all nodded and went to work on designs.

Akshit pov:

It's been three days and everyone is busy in preparation of designs, photo shoot and other things. Avanya is working hard these days. She already has submitted her one design to me and it looked really good. I looked at my watch and called avanya. She picked on third ring.

"Come in my cabin for lunch sweetheart" I said leaning back on chair

"Uhh.. Okay I'm coming in 10 minutes" She said and hung the call.

After 10 minutes, she was here. Till then I had ordered her favorite food.

"Uff.. I'm so tired" She sat down on couch while I put chapatis and paneer for her.

"Since you are tired, so I can feed you. Can I? " I asked with a smile. She looked at me for a moment and nodded. And then I started feeding her and she started telling
about her work.

"Avanya, you have 45 minutes remaining from breaktime. So come here and take a nap" I said and kept her head in my lap and she closed her eyes. I kissed her forehead and started massaging it.

It felt so peaceful, her in ny arms sleeping and me adoring her..
A knock disturbed my avanya-admiring session. "Come in" I said and shikha came inside.

She looked at us and smiled a little.
"Sir it's feel of RS company which you wanted. I'm placing it here " Saying this she went after I nodded at her. And I looked back at my beautiful avanya. I carrassed her hair and kissed her forehead multiple times till I was satisfied.
She was wearing beautiful red anarkali with green design over it. I held her hands and kissed her palm and started playing with her bangles , rings and fingers.

I never thought that I, akshit singh rathore will ever fall in love with someone, but here I'm! In love with my woman, my lady, my wife, my first and last love .

I didn't knew when those 45 minutes get over and she woke up. Time passes so quickly when I'm with her. I gave her glass of water which she drank.

"Thank you! I should be going now! You should also take rest akshit " Saying this she stood up correcting her hair and dress and i was admiring her with smile.

She looked at me and went not before kissing my cheeks.
Wait! What?

She kissed my cheeks


I should note this date. We will celebrate this every year.

My first kiss

That too from my love.

Aahh.... I won in life..

I feel like freaking teenager.. Anyways who care,
Pyaar mein sab chalta hai!!

"Sir why are your cheeks red? " My thoughts broke by shikha's voice.

I cleared my throat and said "ahh.. Nothing.. "
She nodded and gave me  pendrive which I asked for.

Her one kiss made me addicted to it.. When will we kiss on lips yrr..
I sigh and focus on my laptop .


It was evening and I was waiting for avanya. She came with divya , her friend.

"Can we drop divya also? Her car is at service " Avanya asked to which I nodded with a smile

"I'm sorry sir for disturbing you" Divya said apologetically sitting on backseat.

"It's okay Ms. Divya! Don't be sorry, avanya is your friend and who will help us if frienda not? " I said and started driving.

Divya smiled and avanya and she started talking.
After dropping her, we reached our home.

"Where is everyone? " I asked on finding living room empty.

"Did you forget they have to go to wedding. We didn't go because of our project" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"Ohh yeah! I forgot" I said and sat on the couch. She nodded and bought water for us.

"So what do you want for dinner? " She asked

"I'll make dinner, you tell me what you want? Pizza or pasta" I asked leaning towards her.

Her eyes widened and she asked "pizza? Pasta? Kis khushi mein? "
(For what happiness?)

"Well, my beautiful wife kissed me on my cheeks, and I'm very happy today" I said rubbing her cheeks with my thumb and tracing her jawline with my nose. She shuddered due to our closeness and closed her eyes .

"P.. Pasta.. " She stuttered. I smiled and leaned back giving her nod.

"I'll also help you" She said and we went into the kitchen to make pasta. She cut the vegetables and I made sauce.

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Next update: Friday

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