Secrets Revealed

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Victor Newman was fuming, he could quite literally see red. That bastard Ashland Locke had lied to him, Victoria, everyone. 'What kind of sick son of a bitch fakes a cancer diagnosis?' he thought, conveniently ignoring that both his wife and son had faked an illness. He definitely wasn't thinking about all the times he faked his own death. He trusted this man with both his daughter (favorite child) and his company; two of the most important things in his life. Ashland Locke had to be removed from both Newman and the Newman family. Then he could focus on fixing Victoria.

Victor barged into Adam's office, completely ignoring the fact that his son was on a business call. Adam looked confused at the sight of his father, but upon seeing the rage on his face quickly ended the call. That look was usually directed at him. Adam tried to think of what he had done lately to make Victor so angry. The fact that Victor refused to answer any questions was starting to alarm him. He was further confused when Nick walked into his office.

"Nick, what are you doing here?" Adam asked. He knew that his brother avoided being at Newman like the plague.

"No clue." Nick replied, shooting Victor an annoyed glare. "Dad just asked me to meet you two here." Waking up to a text from his father demanding his presence at Newman was not how Nick wanted to start his day. The eldest Newman son grew even more frustrated when Victor wouldn't answer any questions or offer any explanations beyond; meet me at Adam's office.

"Really?! Dad, what is this about?" Adam turned his attention to Victor. Nick too stared at Victor, looking for answers. Things were never good when Victor was being secretive.

Victor let out a deep sigh as he sank down into one of Adam's office chairs. He motioned for Nicholas to sit in the other one. "No thanks. I'd rather stand." Nick snapped. "Now, can you please get to the point of this meeting?" Adam's eyes flickered between his father and brother in anticipation of a fight.

Sadly for Adam, that fight didn't happen and Victor launched into his explanation. "I have uncovered a terrible truth about Ashland Locke. That bastard has been lying to us for the entire time we've known him." Both brothers stared at their father, confusion written all over their faces. The mustache didn't give them anytime to interject before he dropped the big bomb. "Locke doesn't even have cancer. He's been perfectly fine. He's not dying." The patriarch smacked his fist on Adam's desk. "He tricked us. Tricked me."

"He faked cancer?" Adam asked in disbelief.

"I know you of all people are not acting outraged over someone faking an illness." Nick spat at Adam.

"How did you find this out?" Newman Media's CEO continued ignoring his brother.

"I had my suspicions for a while now. Things he was saying weren't adding up, he didn't look or act sick. Michael Baldwin was doing some investigating for me and he found some proof."

"What proof? Do you have it with you?" Nick asked his father as Adam nodded in agreement. Victor couldn't believe his two sons didn't trust his word. Silently he took out a folder full of documents that he and Michael had gathered. Glaring at his boys, he told them to read it. Adam picked up the folder and read the documents. Nick saw the thick folder and to get out of reading it, instantly believed his father.

Adam rolled his eyes at Nick's sudden turn before asking their father what the plan was, "So now what Dad? What's the plan?"

"I would just like to point out that I was right about Locke from the beginning. I knew there was something off about him." Nick pompously threw out.

"What do you want a prize? Even a broken clock is right twice a day." Adam sarcastically quipped, not being in the mood for Nick's smug attitude.

"Look here Adam..."

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