Fourth of July

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Newman Ranch- July 4th BBQ

After all the turmoil of the past year, Victor decided that the family needed some bonding time and relaxation. So, the mustache decided to revive the annual Newman Family Fourth of July party. Both Nikki and Adam thought that this was a ridiculous and terrible idea that would only blow up in Victor's face. Nikki tried to talk her husband out of it, while Adam encouraged his father to keep on with the planning. For once all the drama wasn't about him, so he could sit back with Sally and watch the family implode. Plus, the party would hopefully be enjoyable for Connor; the kid needed to have some fun.

The other Newman children weren't as enthusiastic but could see how badly their father needed to have this party, so they went along with it. As soon as she heard about the party, Sharon volunteered to help Victor with the planning. Nick questioned why Sharon was so eager to help with a Newman family function. Sharon defended herself by stating that she had good memories of the previous parties and wanted to continue the tradition. Nick didn't fully believe her, but was happy that she was doing something positive, so he didn't fight it.

Before the Newmans knew it the fourth had arrived and Victor was eager to get his family party started. The mustache walked out to his backyard and saw all the decorations Sharon and Faith had put up. The yard and the poolside were decorated beautifully. Victor had to give her credit, Sharon had done a wonderful job.

"Dad" He turned around to see Adam approaching him. He was pleasantly surprised that Adam had not only shown up but was the first to arrive.

"Son. How are you? Thank you for coming." Victor smiled at his son. Adam was slightly unnerved to see his father smiling so brightly at him but forced himself to shake it off.

"I'm fine dad. Thanks for the invite." He answered wearily. "Connor and Sally are inside dropping off the food in the kitchen." He had made one of Hope's pies and Sally, wanting to make a good impression, googled a potato salad recipe to make. He saw Victor roll his eyes at the mention of Sally and resisted the urge to roll his in return. "Dad, knock it off. You know that Sally and I are a package deal. If you even try to make her uncomfortable, we will take Connor and leave so fast your head will spin. And you won't be seeing any of us at any Newman family function in the future. Understood?"

Victor chuckled, God his son was so whipped by this trashy dressmaker. "Understood, son. Now, what food did you bring?" The mustache was eager to discuss anything but Sally Spectra.

Adam picked up on Victor's immediate subject change, "Sally found a potato salad recipe she wanted to try and I made my mom's apple pie." he explained.

Newman's founder gave a small smile at the mention of Hope. "I will try both." Victor promised as a gesture of good faith. Adam smiled at his father making an effort.

"Hi Grandpa!" Both men turned to see Connor running towards them. Victor extended his arms for a hug and the young boy reciprocated. Newman's CEO ruffled his son's hair. He turned expecting to see Sally, but she wasn't there. She wasn't anywhere in the backyard.

"Hey peanut, where's Sally?"

"She ran to the bathroom after we put the food in the kitchen."

Adam sighed knowing what that meant and started to walk towards the house. He passed Nikki on his way and exchanged a brief greeting. Right before entering the house he heard his stepmother mutter something about tacky decorations.

He knocked on the bathroom door, "Sally, are you in there?" He heard the puking and entered the bathroom. Sally was sitting on the floor in front of the toilet hugging her knees and hyperventilating.  Adam bent down to comfort her, and she leaned into his embrace.

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