Victoria Gives Adam a Belated Birthday Present

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Newman Executive Office

Nick Newman and his parents were waiting in the CEO's office for Victoria to arrive. Victor was sitting comfortably in the CEO chair while Nikki and Nicholas were in the chairs across from him. The door opened and all three sets of eyes looked over expecting to see Victoria. They were shocked to see Adam strolling in.

"What are you doing here?" Nick blurted out.

"Hello to you too Nicholas." Adam snarked as he looked around the room. He nodded at his father and step mother. Victor nodded back, Nikki ignored him. "Victoria's not here?" Hope's son scoffed, "Figures, she begs us all to meet her here then makes us wait."

"If you have somewhere else to be, you can leave Adam." Nikki snapped, annoyed at his presence. She didn't understand why Victoria would want him here.

Neither did Nick, "Yeah Adam you can leave. Go back to your miserable life with your miserable girlfriend." He sneered.

"Leave Sally out of this." Adam protectively snapped back.

"How can I when you brought her into this? She's only COO because you're sleeping with her."

"Watch yourself Nicholas, I'm not going to let you shit talk Sally."

"Boys, please stop this." Victor groaned tired of the infighting.

"Dad, come on. It's Adam." Nick huffed in disbelief, as Adam shot his brother an offended look. "I mean, what is he even doing here? No one wants him here."

"I want him here," Victoria exclaimed from the doorway looking shockingly refreshed. "What I have to say affects him too" She glared at Victor as she spoke, "unfortunately." She waltzed into the office ignoring all questions about her whereabouts over the past few days. Turning her attention right to Victor, his eldest began her speech, "I've been doing some much needed soul searching over the past few days. And I couldn't do that here, surrounded by everyone and their opinions. I'm sorry for not reaching out sooner, but I really needed to clear my head and be alone. I hope you all can understand."

"Of course we understand sweetheart," Nikki replied. "We're just glad that you're safe."

"Yeah, Vic. It's totally understandable that you needed to get away." Nick reassured his sister. "I'm happy that you're back, we all are."

Adam stayed silent on the couch, not trusting himself to keep all snarky comments to himself. While he was glad that his sister wasn't hurt, he also wasn't thrilled that she was back. He didn't know what her state of mind currently was, but he could tell that she was still angry. And he knew who that anger was going to be taken out on.

"Thank you. Truly." Victoria said appreciating her family's never wavering love for her.

"Victoria, you called this meeting for a reason. Get on with it." Victor snapped, wanting his daughter to get straight to the point.

Sighing, it was time to set her plan in motion. Hopefully, that unconditional love would still be there once this was over. "I did a lot of thinking while I was away. Not just about my professional life, but my personal as well. Before coming here, I talked with Ashland." The rest of the Newmans' eyes widened at that. After everything she learned, why would she even consider giving Ashland the time of day?

"I hope it was about your upcoming divorce." Victor barked. The sooner that bastard was out of his daughter's life, the better the mustache thought.

"Actually, there won't be a divorce." Nikki gasped in the background as Nick shouted in disbelief. "Ashland explained everything to me and I decided to forgive him. We're back together and stronger than ever." Victoria explained not breaking eye contact with Victor.

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