Telling Connor

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Adam Newman was sitting in his living room, waiting for his son to get home from school. He had big news to tell him and was praying that the young boy took it well. The Newman Media CEO looked up at the sound of the front door opening then, slamming shut. Adam called for Connor to come and join him in the living room. Connor looked suspicious as he sat down next to Adam on the couch. Adam couldn't blame the kid for being confused, they weren't' the type of family to have sit down talks. Hell, the last sit down talk they had was when he told Connor that he wasn't getting back together with Chelsea.

"Am I in trouble?" Connor blurted out before Adam could begin his talk.

"What? No, absolutely not. Why did you do something?" Adam asked. "You know what, not important. I need to talk to you about something. Do you remember my friend Sally?"

Connor nodded. "Well, she and I have been seeing each other a lot lately and we have decided to start dating. I wanted to get your thoughts about that. What is going on in that head of yours, buddy?"

Connor just sat there staring at Adam with a blank expression on his face. He slowly gathered his thoughts before replying in a small voice. "So, you and mom really aren't getting back together?"

Adam's heart broke hearing how sad his son sounded. He felt terrible for causing him pain, but he knew it was better for everyone if he and Chelsea weren't together. He took a deep breath before responding; "Your mother and I aren't getting back together. However, that doesn't mean that we don't love you. You are the most important thing in my life and your mother's."

Connor absorbed this speech, finally accepting his parents were truly over. He did like Sally; she was funny and always nice to him. He had noticed that his dad seemed happy, happier than he had seen him in a long time. Adam watched his son process this news, waiting patiently for his response. He was starting to get nervous; it was taking him a long time to respond. He perked up when he heard a quiet voice.


"You sure, peanut?" Adam asked, anxiously looking at his son.

Connor nodded. "I like Sally, she's nice." Adam let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. He pulled his son into a hug, thanking him for his support. "You smile now."

Adam released Connor from the hug with a confused look. "What?"

"You didn't smile like at all last year. You smile now, it's nice."

Connor ran up the stairs as Adam pondered his words. He hadn't noticed how troubled he was or that Connor noticed it. Clearly his efforts to always put on a good face weren't as effective as he had hoped. He was going to have to work harder to mask his worries in front of him. However, he had given his okay to Sally, a reluctant okay, he could tell, but he seemed supportive of it and that was all that he could ask for.

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