Protection Mode

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A late night phone call is never good. Especially when it's a phone call telling you your mentally unstable ex-wife is on the run with the man who poisoned your nephew to get revenge on your sister. 

Adam grumbled as he reached for the phone. "Hello" He answered sleep still evident in his voice. The voice on the other end of the phone made him sit up. 

"Son it's your father." Victor sounded as exhausted as Adam felt. "I have to tell you something, something that couldn't wait." He paused either for dramatic effect or to gather his thoughts. Adam didn't know which, but he was growing impatient. "Chelsea has escaped." 

Adam dropped the phone in shock. His mind starting racing at a hundred miles a minute. So many possibilities, none of them good. "What do you mean escaped? How do you know?" 

"The police stationed outside of her room were found unconscious in the hallway by a guest. Hotel security looked at the tapes and saw a large man knocking them out before another man went into Chelsea's room. A few moments later they both left with the larger bodyguard." 

Adam looked over at a sleeping Sally and sighed. Getting up he went downstairs to finish the phone call. "Do you know who the man was?" 

"Ashland Locke." Victor bitterly scoffed. "Like that bastard hasn't done enough damage to this family. Now he's partnered up with that nutcase." 

Adam was too pissed and exhausted to tell Victor not to call Chelsea a nutcase. And in this time, he was actually in agreement. "When did this happen? How long ago?" Adam wanted to ask how Victor knew this, but he wouldn't be surprised if his father had moles in the police department. 

"About two hours ago." Adam swore. "My man on the police force contacted me as soon as he was able." 

Adam groaned, he had to ask his dad for a favor and he really didn't want to. "Dad, can I ask you for a favor?" He hated how small he sounded in that moment, so desperate. Victor hmmed, which signaled yes. "I would like some security placed on Sally and Connor until Chelsea is found if it's possible." 

"Connor is already taken care of. Though it would probably be a good idea to pull him from that camp. Why the dressmaker?" Victor was confused as to why Sally mattered so much. 

"Because 'the dressmaker' is my girlfriend who I love. Not to mention she's pregnant with my child. A fact that Chelsea has been angry about ever since she found out." Adam whispered shouted into this phone. Victor huffed in annoyance but agreed. Both men hung up the phone, exhausted but not by the lack of sleep. Hope's son went back upstairs and crawled into bed. Hopefully, Sally wouldn't react badly to the security detail when he mentioned it in the morning. 

Sally was going to protest about the security until she saw the look on Adam's face. She had never seen him so stressed or scared; that made her realize how serious this was. Personally, the CEO thought that she could take Chelsea, but then she remembered her child. She would never put her child in harm's way, so she dealt with the security detail. If Sally thought that Adam was overprotective before, she was unprepared for how overprotective he was going to be now.

"Adam!" Sally called out as she entered the tack house. She knew that he was working from home today; he wanted to be there when Connor got back from camp. "Adam! Get down here, now please" she called out for him again. Adam came down the stairs with a grin, he hadn't seen her very much in the past few days. He greeted her with a kiss.

"Hey baby! How are you?" He took a step back and saw that she didn't look very happy. He instantly went into protective mode. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Is it jelly bean?"

She was touched by how much he cared; she really was. However, at this moment it felt very stifling. "Adam, we need to talk about the security detail. I didn't realize it was going to be an entire team, I thought it was going to be just one or two guys. Is an entire team absolutely necessary?" she questioned; how dangerous could one woman be?

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