First Day Jitters

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Sally Spectra awoke the next morning feeling very refreshed. The previous night between her promotion and the declarations of love between her and Adam, everything was perfect. She had never been so happy in life or in love. 

"I love you" Those words, the intense but passionate look in Adam's eyes was burned into her brain. Last night definitely ranked in the top five greatest nights of her life. The newly minted CEO started to get out of bed when she was pulled back down. 

"Good morning Mr. Newman." Sally smirked as she greeted her boyfriend. "You're in an awfully good mood this morning." Adam's response was to lean up and kiss her. First on the lips, then on the neck. Sally's eyes rolled back as she fought the urge to lie back down. She couldn't be late on her first day. Victor had very reluctantly promoted her, she wasn't going to do anything to mess that up. 

"Of course I'm in a great mood," Adam answered in words once he sensed that his original plan wasn't going to happen. "I woke up next to the beautiful woman that I love and who loves me, my father has finally given me the keys to the kingdom, the rest of family isn't fighting me. It's everything I've ever wanted." The youngest Newman son had had a permanent smile on his face since Victor had told him the news the previous day. 

"Oh, you love me?" Sally teased, wanting to hear him say it again. 

"Do you need reassurances?"

"Maybe one or two. If you don't mind." 

"I" kiss "love" another kiss" you." Adam kissed her for a solid minute before releasing her. He knew despite her teasing bravado, she did need that reassurance. But he didn't mind, he would tell her everyday for the rest of his life and never tire of it. "Seriously, you are one of the greatest things that ever happened to me. I'm so lucky that you love me. You're going to get sick of me telling you that I love you because I'm going to be telling you a lot." 

Sally shook her head, "Never, I'll never be tired of it or you. You are one of the greatest things that ever happened to me. I'll never be able to tell you enough how much I love and appreciate you." As much as she wanted to stay in bed with Adam all day, she knew she had to get to Newman Media. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get ready for my first day as CEO." 

Adam watched her climb out of bed and head to the bathroom. He could see the nerves radiating off her. He pulled out his phone to make sure his surprise would be there for her when she arrived at the office. She deserved this and she deserved to celebrate it. Sighing, he got out of bed to make the morning coffee. Newman's latest CEO wanted to give his girlfriend as much time as possible in the bathroom. 

Sally Spectra smoothed out her outfit and stepped off the elevator at Newman Enterprises. Walking over to her new office, she took a deep breath before entering. Flicking on the lights, a large flower arrangement caught her eye. Curiosity overwhelmed the young woman and she ran over to see who had sent her the beautiful bouquet. 


Have a wonderful first day. You're going to kick ass. 



"I see you got my present." Sally looked up to see a smirking Adam in the doorway. He looked mighty proud of himself. Entering the office, he shut the door to give them some privacy.

"I did. Thank you so much!" She threw her arms around him to show how much she appreciated his thoughtful gift. "They're beautiful. It was so thoughtful of you." 

"Well, I'm a thoughtful guy." 

"Aha" Sally nodded, "But I did notice that one) this present got here pretty early in the morning and two) that you signed this card love." Adam stared at her in confusion wondering where she was going with this. "I'm just wondering how you pulled off both of these things when I found out about all of this yesterday." Oh, that's where she was going. He should have known her curiosity would get the best of her. 

"I have answers for you." Sally's eyebrow rose signalling for him to go on. "I called in the flower order as soon as I left Victor's office. As for the second part," he paused just to annoy her. "I figured out that I loved you a while ago, I just needed to tell you. Last night seemed like the perfect time." 

"It was the perfect time. Last night was easily one of the best nights of my life."

"Mine as well." The power couple kissed again before an alert on Adam's phone interrupted them. The signal for the 9:00 o'clock power huddle went off. "I have to go, but I'll see you tonight for dinner. We have to celebrate your first official day as CEO of Newman Media." 

"I'll see you tonight." She smiled until Adam exited the office shutting the door behind him. Releasing a large sigh, the Spectra went to sit behind the desk. The feeling of disbelief was still large, but now she also felt a sense of calmness. Adam was right, she was going to kick ass. Her own phone pinged with two consecutive messages. Reading the messages from Grams and Coco brought another smile to her face and she settled down to get to work. It was time to prove Victor Newman wrong about her. 

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