The Newest Newman

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Wednesday June 29, 2022

After the longest three days of their lives, Adam and Sally were sitting in the doctor's office waiting for her turn to be called back. Sally was keeping busy filling out all the paperwork while Adam was doing work stuff on his phone. He had all but insisted on going to this appointment with Sally wanting to provide support. "How much longer until you get called back?" He asked, growing more impatient by the minute.

Chuckling at his childish impatience, "You have somewhere you need to be?" She teased.

"What? No." he stammered. "I just can't wait to see this little one." Adam pointed to Sally's stomach, "And I quickly realized that I'm the only man in this office and I keep getting stared at." Sally looked around the room as three women suddenly averted their eyes and busted out laughing. She was about to tease him again when they heard her name being called. Her boyfriend let out a sigh of relief and followed Sally back into a room.

After answering the basic questions from the nurse, Sally got changed and hopped onto the exam table. The nervous couple made small talk until Dr. Chandler entered the office. "Hello Sally, nice to meet you." The highly respected doctor walked over and shook her hand. "And you must be the father." She walked over and shook Adam's hand as well.

"Adam Newman." The CEO introduced himself, "Thank you so much for squeezing us in."

"Yes, thank you. My friend Elena couldn't say enough wonderful things about you." Sally also thanked the doctor.

The doctor dismissed the praise and got right down to business. After a brief examination and discussion of Sally's symptoms, Dr. Chandler had concluded that Sally was most definitely pregnant. She brought over the ultrasound machine to take a picture for the expectant parents and to get a better understanding of how far along she was.

"Okay guys, let me get a clear picture." She explained moving the wand across Sally's stomach. "And here is your baby." She turned to the couple smiling. Sally and Adam stared at the screen in fascination. The positive pregnancy test was one thing, but actually seeing their child was another. An intense feeling of love and protectiveness washed over them.

"Based on the size of the fetus and the date of your last period, I'd say you're about eight weeks pregnant. You most likely conceived in the middle of May, does that sound right?", she explained as she handed each parent a copy of the ultrasound photo. Sally turned red, she was right in her assumption that their night in the CEO office was the night they conceived their child. Dr. Chandler took her blush as yes.

"If I didn't already love that office, this would have sealed it." Adam muttered. Sally half-heartedly smacked his arm. The doctor chuckled and left the room to give the couple some privacy. "So, do you know what you want to do?" Adam asked as Sally got re-dressed.

She nodded, "We'll talk at home. This conversation is too intimate to have here."

They walked out of the office and right past one of the few people who they didn't want to overhear them. Summer Newman Abbott heard her uncle's voice and quickly hid her face behind a magazine. She watched him and her former rival walk out of the doctor's office holding hands and sporting matching grins. She quickly put two and two together and fumed. That bitch was carrying a Newman and would forever be tied to her family. She didn't know if she should be more pissed at Sally for getting pregnant or Adam for being stupid enough to sleep with her. Summer pulled her phone out of her purse to text her mother and grandfather, this news just had to be shared.

The Tack House

Adam and Sally entered the house eager to discuss the news they had just received. Sally still couldn't believe the news, she was pregnant. Upon looking at the ultrasound, she knew that she wanted this baby. The immediate feeling of love overwhelmed her. The timing couldn't be worse, but she didn't care. Having a child was something she didn't even know that she wanted until it was right in front of her. Hopefully, Adam still felt the same way.

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