The Death of Ashland

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Two gunshots echoed through Chancellor Park. A man fell to the ground as a figure raced out of the park. The body let out a couple of painful gasps before dying alone on the ground. The shooter made it to their car and drove off into the night, not to be discovered for months. 

Victoria Newman slammed her front door and raced up the stairs to her bedroom. The former CEO looked completely frazzled and couldn't catch her breath. Her hands were shaking as she went into her bathroom to take a shower. The oldest Newman sibling clearly didn't know where she was or what she had done. 

Meanwhile, Adam Newman was icing his hand as Sally stared at him with a disapproving look. He sighed as he met her gaze; he knew that she was annoyed but shrugged it off. Sally would get over it in the morning. He offered her his hand to take her upstairs to bed; Sally sighed as she took it. 

Nikki Newman looked up from her book to see her husband enter their living room. When asked about his whereabouts, Victor simply said that he was on a walk around the ranch. Nikki clearly didn't believe him but decided not to push it.

Billy Abbott stumbled into Abbott House around one in the morning. The news Ashland shared about Johnny had shaken him to the core. His son almost died because of that psychopath. He drank a little too much trying to forget what he had learned. Deciding that he couldn't make it upstairs, he wandered over to the couch and passed out. Apparently forgetting in his drunken stupor that he didn't live at Abbott House, but with Lily at her place.

An early morning jogger found him lying there in Chancellor Park. She saw a man lying on his back and thought that he was in trouble. As she went over to investigate, she noticed all the blood and the two bullet holes in his chest. Screaming, the jogger nearly tripped as she ran backwards from the body. Whipping out her phone, Sally Spectra called 911 and sat on the bench waiting for the police to arrive.

Thirty minutes later a worried Adam Newman arrived at a police officer infested Chancellor Park. He scanned the park looking for Sally, finally finding her talking to Chance. His heart dropped into his stomach when he got the phone call from a shaken Sally explaining how she found Ashland's dead body in the park. Sally met his eyes and asked Chance if she was finished. Chance followed her gaze to see Adam looking concerned at Sally. Not wanting to deal with an angry member of Abby's family, Chance dismissed Sally and went to find Paul.

Sally stood up as Adam walked over to her, pulling her into an embrace. "Are you okay?" Adam asked her.

"I'm okay." Sally nodded. "Just in shock. I've never seen a dead body before. Especially one in his condition." They both turned to stare at the corpse still lying in the middle of the park. So the great Ashland Locke was mortal after all.

"Are you free to go?" Adam asked, wanting to get her out of there.

Sally shrugged, "I think so. Chance didn't say he had more questions, but he didn't say much once you showed up." Adam sighed, not wanting to talk to Chance, but he went over anyway to make sure that Sally could leave.

Chance turned his head when he heard his name being called, groaning when he saw that it was Adam. "How can I help you, Adam?"

"I want to get Sally out of here, is she free to go?" Adam asked straight to the point. He didn't want to be in Chance's presence any longer than he had to; Chance could feel the tension.

"I'll need her to come in later. Once the shock wears off, she could remember more."

Adam nodded, "I'll bring her by the station tomorrow." He started to walk back to Sally when he heard Chance say his name. Knowing what this had to be about he braced himself for an extremely awkward conversation. "Look, Chance I know what you're going to say and..."

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