The Long Weekend

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Friday June 24th, 2022

Sally jumped out of bed as she raced to the bathroom. She quickly emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet. She felt someone grab hold of her hair and turned to see Adam. That was so thoughtful of him, she never had someone who would hold her hair back while she vomited. That was so very gross and sad. "I'm sorry that I woke you." She apologized taking deep breaths. "And that you had to hold my hair, though I appreciate it." 

"Don't apologize, okay, you did nothing wrong. I had to get up anyway and besides what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't hold my sick girlfriend's hair back while she vomited into my toilet." he asked. It was so sweet of him, but she still felt bad. "I think that you should take a sick day, or at least the morning off," he said, concern filling his voice. This was the fourth day in a row that she had been feeling sick.

She was about to argue with him, but the urge to vomit rose in her again. Before she knew it, she was leaning over the toilet again with Adam grabbing her hair. Moaning, she leaned back against the wall, "Okay, you win. I'll work from home this morning; just the morning. Hopefully I'll be better by the afternoon."

"I hope so too." Adam responded, kissing her forehead. "Do you need me to stay home this weekend? I don't want to leave you if you're sick."

"No, absolutely not. You and Connor need this weekend, Connor especially. I'll be fine. It's just a stomach bug. There's nothing you can do anyway."

"You sure?" Sally nodded, she knew how important this weekend was for Connor. Her heart broke for that poor boy. She wanted to see him smile again. Adam agreed and got ready for work. Sally climbed back into bed with her laptop, insisting that she was okay enough to work.

"I'm going to work. Call me if you need anything. Anything at all." Adam told his girlfriend.

"I will. I promise." Sally answered. "God, Adam no I'm all gross." She tried to block him from kissing her goodbye. The last thing he needed was to get sick because of her.

"Well, that's a risk I'm willing to take." he snarked and kissed her goodbye. "I love you."

"Love you too." Sally responded falling back onto the pillows.

Newman CEO Office

Adam walked into his office not surprised to see Victor sitting in his chair. He was surprised to see Nick sitting on the couch texting someone. "Nick, what are you doing here?" Adam asked his brother. Nick just pointed at Victor.

"I wanted him here." Victor explained. "We need to start strategizing against the Lockes" He sneered when he said the name, whatever affection he had for Victoria was clearly gone.

"Dad, I told you the best revenge is doing nothing." Adam groaned, "Wasting time strategizing and doing underhanded shit is what Locke wants us to do." He desperately wanted Victor to let him focus on Newman. The youngest Newman son had finally learned that revenge feels good in the moment, but still leaves you feeling empty once the high wears off.

The rational part of Victor agreed with his son, however the urge to crush Locke and save his daughter from herself was stronger. "I don't give a damn. I want that bastard's head on a platter!" The mustache slammed his hands on the desk, then changed the subject so his sons would stop nagging him. "Adam, why were you late this morning?"

"I was with Sally. She was sick this morning. I wanted to make sure she was okay before I left." Adam waited for the explosion from Victor for being focused on his girlfriend and not Newman. The room was awkwardly silent. Victor was indeed fuming on the inside. What was so special about this dressmaker, that his son loses all common sense around her? Nick was surprised by the amount of care he could hear in Adam's voice. This one was different and honestly Nick thought that Adam finally got it together.

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