The Prodigal Daughter Returns

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Victoria walked into the room of her stunned family members; a huge smirk still plastered on her face. They were all confused; what was she doing here and why? Victoria paused in the center of the room, loving all the attention on her.

"What did I interrupt? I could hear the shouting the moment I got off the elevator. Is everyone okay?" she asked with fake concern.

"Your brother knocked up the dressmaker" Victor stated bluntly, glaring at Adam as he said it. Victoria turned to Adam who was rolling his eyes but looked pale. She then turned to Nick who nodded his head in confirmation.

"Wow, I didn't think you could sink any lower than Chelsea; congrats Adam. Or should I congratulate Sally on setting herself up for life." she nastily commented.

"Watch yourself, Victoria. I will not allow you to disrespect my girlfriend and my child like that." Adam snapped with a protective edge to his voice.

Before she could respond, Victor spoke up. "Enough of this. You're back Victoria. Why? Explain yourself." Victoria sighed and launched into an explanation of her last two months.


After a bumpy start, Victoria's plan was finally coming together. Ashland was beginning to trust her enough to let her into his thought process. He wanted to start a new company, one with enough gusto to take on Newman. Locke assumed that Victoria wanted to destroy her family as badly as he did. She let him think that while plotting her own revenge. No one got to make a fool out of Victoria Newman. She would have her pound of flesh, no matter what the risks were.

Not all of her time with Locke was terrible; she liked the freedom being with Ashland gave her. Victoria could make business decisions without Victor breathing over her shoulder. Her family stopped calling her after the first couple days, finally taking the hint that she wasn't in the mood for talking. When Ashland was gone on his separate business appointments, she was alone in the hotel room. She used this time to think; not just about her revenge, but her life. How much of her life she wasted trying to please Victor and fighting with everyone.

She came to a stunning realization; she didn't want Newman anymore. These past two months have proven that she had what it took to run a company without Victor. Let Adam have Newman, she knew he needed the validation from their father a lot more than she did. She would get all the paperwork for their business signed in her name only. Ashland would be left with nothing, and she could jet back into Genoa City to rub her successes in her family's faces.

The funding for their new company was almost in place. The contracts were about to be signed; everything was falling into place. Ashland was starting to get excited; soon he would have a new business and the woman he loved. All he was missing was his son, but hopefully Kyle could be persuaded to let Harrison visit. Ashland was riding the high so blindly, he didn't even question when Victoria recommended donating the rest of the funding themselves. It was only a little bit of money for each of them, it couldn't hurt. He was wrong, so very wrong.

The day the contract signing was the day Ashland was blindsided, and he hated himself for not noticing it. He stared at the contracts not finding his name. When he questioned it, Victoria laughed and stated that the company was going in a new direction. Ashland stared blankly as Victoria unveiled her master plan; how she tricked him into believing that she still loved him and wanted to start a company with him. He took everything from her with his lies and now she was repaying the favor. All the money had been transferred into a new account that was in her name only. And with one more disgusted look, Victoria Newman stormed out of Ashland Locke's life for what she thought was the last time; she was mistaken.


The family sat in stunned silence absorbing Victoria's story. Nick and their mother were simply happy that Victoria was back in town and safe. Nick would always have his sister's back; Nikki was glad that her daughter never lost her self-worth. Adam scoffed internally at his sister; she was clearly so proud of herself. Did she not realize that she committed fraud; of course not, she obviously believed that everything she did was justified. Thank God he forced Victor to sign that document keeping him in power.

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