Ally in Their CEO Era

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The Great Victor Newman had stayed up late into the night brainstorming ways to restore order. He had to save Victoria from herself because she was clearly incapable of making logical decisions. He announced his plan to a distressed Nikki over breakfast. "Nikki, you're not touching your breakfast."

Nikki sighed, "Darling, I'm just so worried about Victoria. I mean, what was she thinking? Just running back to Ashland? I can't believe that she could just forgive him so quickly after all the lies and betrayal."

"Don't worry my baby, I have a plan." Nikki raised an eyebrow but stayed silent. "I'm going to promote Adam to CEO of Newman Enterprises. Victoria will be so enraged, she'll have no choice but to come back to claim her seat." Victor leaned back in his chair clearly proud of himself.

Nikki was not as impressed. "Darling, are you sure that plan will work? Because I see some holes in your logic."

"What holes? I don't see anything."

The former stripper sighed before continuing, "Victor, based on her outburst Victoria clearly expects you to promote Adam. I don't think doing something that she thinks will happen is going to motivate her to come back. And not to mention would Adam even go for this? He's smart enough to see this move for what it is." Nikki had to suppress the shudder she felt as she defended Adam, but she knew her step son wasn't an idiot. She waited for Victor to respond.

"I know what Victoria shouted at me." Victor huffed, still annoyed that his daughter dared raise her voice at him. "Thinking about it is one thing, but actually seeing it happen is another. And don't worry about Adam, I'll handle him."

"I just don't think Adam will appreciate being used as bait and he'll lash out which will stress you out. Victor, you don't need any stress right now. And this family cannot take another Adam tirade or revenge plot. Please think about this, darling" Nikki begged her husband.

Victor didn't listen to his wife. "My baby, I know what I am doing. Trust me." Nikki sighed knowing that she had lost so she agreed like she always did. For better or worse, she kept her fingers crossed that it wouldn't torpedo to worse.

Sally's Apartment

Adam was awoken by his phone ringing, groaning, he reached over a sleeping Sally to grab it. If it wasn't Connor, then it could wait. He groaned again seeing that it was Victor, Victor wouldn't be ignored. Putting on his best cheerful voice he answered.

"Dad, can I call you back? Kind of busy here"

"Get out of the Spectra woman's bed and get your ass into the c-suite now." Victor barked then hung up. 'Well, that was rude' Adam thought. Sighing, he knew better than to keep Victor waiting. Kissing Sally awake he explained the phone call then left to take a shower. He invited her to join him, which she eagerly did.

Adam stumbled into the c-suite an hour later. Victor was about to ask what took him so long, but then saw the goofy smile on his face. Rolling his eyes at his son's juvenile behavior, he quickly explained the reason for his early morning phone call. "Son, have a seat please." Adam sat down cautiously, shooting Victor a confused look. "Victoria's sudden departure has forced me to rethink the chain of command at Newman. We need a strong, capable CEO. Someone with intelligence and a great mind for business; someone with a business school background." Adam stared Victor down, could his father finally be acknowledging his talents? "Congratulations son, I want you to be CEO of Newman."

The youngest Newman son was stunned. He couldn't believe that Victor was giving him what he wanted, and he didn't even have to scheme to get it. The fact that Victor came to this decision so quickly was surprising. Then it hit him, he was bait, bait for Victoria. Victor never wanted him to run Newman, he was using him against Victoria. Swallowing the pain that came with the realization that Victor would never treat him like his children with Nikki, Adam answered his father. 'Lets see how the old man likes this'.

"I will be the new CEO on one condition" Adam stated. This surprised Victor, he thought Adam would jump at the chance to be CEO. When Victor didn't say anything, Adam continued. "I want in writing, that I cannot be replaced as CEO without board approval for at least three years. I will not be cast to the side if Victoria comes running back next week, month or whenever. And I want you to sign it. Oh, and Sally gets the same contract when she takes over for me at Newman Media." Adam looked right into Victor's eyes without breaking contact or a sweat.

Victor had to chuckle to himself, his son wasn't dumb. He should have expected Adam to make a counter move, it's exactly what he would have done. "Son, are you serious?"

"Dead serious." The Harvard grad bluntly replied. "I want it in writing or I'm out. I'm not going to be Victoria bait for free. You wouldn't." The father son duo participated in a stare down until the old man sighed. Knowing that he had no other choice, Adam would never back down, he gave in. The mustache did enjoy the genuine smile that formed on Adam's face, they were a rare sight even rarer in his presence. That joy slightly faded when he heard his son call that circus freak Sally Spectra. Victor forced himself to focus, first he had to get Victoria back then he could work on freeing Adam from that redhead.

That Night- Newman CEO Office

Adam and Sally stood alone in the office that was once Victor Newman's. Adam couldn't believe that it was really his. He felt Sally hug him from behind, congratulating him. He loved the feeling of her hands on him. He turned around to face her, he wanted to stare into her beautiful blue eyes for a minute. They had already drunk so much champagne, the room was starting to spin, her eyes steadied him.

"In case I haven't said it enough, I'm so happy for you. That Victor is finally giving you the title you deserve." Sally exclaimed, holding up her glass of champagne in a toasting manner.

Clinking his glass against hers, Adam replied "Congrats to us for getting everything that we wanted and more." Sally smiled and Adam couldn't keep the grin off of his face. He started walking around the office, trying to soak it all in. Sally had taken his glass of champagne and put it on the desk along with hers.

"So, what's going to be your first official action as CEO of Newman Enterprises?" Sally asked as she watched him wander his new office. There were a million things she wanted to suggest to him before her eyes landed on a certain portrait hanging on the wall. Adam turned to answer her and saw her staring. He followed her line of vision to Victoria's portrait on the wall where Victor's once hung. The power couple shared a smirk before Adam walked over to the wall and took the portrait of his smug sister down. He would decide what he wanted to do with it later, but right now he had more important things to focus on.

Adam led Sally over to the desk, he wanted to sit down. He sat down in his new chair as Sally seated herself on the desk. He was about to pour another glass when Sally had another idea in mind. Intrigued, he looked up at her, she suggested christening the Newman office. He was instantly sold on the idea and used the secret button to shut the door. Sally was both impressed and fascinated by it. He stood up to kiss her; she leaned hungrily into his embrace. Before he laid her down on the desk, he looked her in the eyes and said the three words he had been dying to say for a while now.

"I love you" that felt so good to get off his chest. He needed her to know.

Sally was stunned for a moment before replying. "I love you." She too had been wanting to tell Adam those three little words for quite some time. Both smiling, she let him slowly lean her down onto the desk. She eagerly helped him remove his clothes and her dress. They made incredibly passionate, but tender love. Little did they know that they made something else that night, but they would find that out later. Once they had finished, they quickly realized that they couldn't find Sally's dress. She stole his shirt before he could say anything, not that he would. She looked so hot in his clothes; he would never complain about her wearing them. He sat back down in the chair, Sally sitting on top of him, toasting to their bright future.  

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