The Calm Before the Storm

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August was not going as smoothly as Adam Newman had hoped. This mess with Chelsea seemed never ending and he was starting to get annoyed at how long it was taking to find her. Connor was acting out which while understandable was also getting old fast. He really didn't enjoy fighting with his son every day and he was tempted to send Connor to the main house.

Speaking of the main house, he had Victor breathing down his neck; both about work and his personal life. While he could deal with Victor at Newman, he refused to let the old man have any say in his personal life. Sally was out of her first trimester now and it was fascinating for them both to watch the pregnancy progress.

Adam was sitting at his desk catching up on paperwork when Victor barged his way. Sighing at the interruption, "What's going on Dad?".

"Did you get this text message?" Victor asked, showing him the mysterious message. "Do you think that this is Locke?"

Adam pulled out his phone, he had put it on vibrate so he could focus. "I did. It would have to be Locke, who else would be so brazen as to hold a top-secret meeting at your restaurant?" Victor conceded the point telling his son that the entire family had been invited, even Abby and surprisingly Billy. This caught Adam's attention, who the hell would invite Billy to anything. "This must be big if Billy's invited. I wouldn't invite him to Taco Bell let alone a mysterious meeting, but to each their own"

Victor chuckled at this, and Adam was going to make another remark before his phone pinged again. Seeing that it was from Sally, he opened it instantly; she was asking him if he was invited to some weird meeting at the Top of the Tower. His stomach flipped; she was not going to this meeting.

"Son what's the matter?" Victor asked noticing the change in his son's facial expression. 

"It's from Sally. Apparently, she was also invited to this mystery meeting." Adam replied angrily, why did Locke want her there, she barely knew Locke.

Victor didn't see what the problem was, "Who cares if the dressmaker is there?"

Adam scoffed at his father's indifference, "Her name is Sally and I care if she's there. Who knows what could happen at this event? I don't want her to be put in a dangerous situation especially when she's pregnant with my child."

Victor was quickly running out of patience with his son's antics. "Did you not read the rest of the message? It says that if everyone on the guest list doesn't show up, the host will not reveal themselves or their plan."

Adam swore under his breath, he was going to be forced to go to this ridiculous party. His family would never forgive him if his protecting Sally cost them a chance at getting revenge. "Fine," he relented. "We'll go to this party, but we'll be by the exit in case things go south. I want to be able to get Sally out of there quickly if I have to."

"Well, I'll be damned. I never thought that I would see the day that you would choose some girl over revenge." Victor exclaimed, not knowing how to feel.

"Of course, I want to make Locke suffer for what he put this family through. But if I have to pick between revenge and the safety of my unborn child, my child and their mother win every time."

"Your mother would be proud of you." Adam was startled by the unexpected mention of his mother. Hope was a topic that he and Victor didn't talk about much. He had been thinking about her a lot lately. He hated how she missed meeting her grandson and Sally; she would've loved them both.

"Thank you, I hope that she would be happy that I finally got it together."

"She would be, I know because I am," Victor told him. He wasn't sure where this urge to talk about Hope came from, but it was nice to have a conversation with his son without screaming. Adam raised an eyebrow at the comment from Victor but decided to let it go. Victor being Victor had to ruin their nice moment, "Oh, before I forget Connor came to the main house to see me." Adam gave his father a confused look. "He asked if he could stay with me and Nikki for a while. I said yes."

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