Winning Feels Good

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 Victoria Newman was gearing up to launch the first step of her reinvention plan. Her new company was set to launch in a few days and she already had a goal in mind... destroy Newman. Victor and Adam would rue the day they underestimated her. Unfortunately for her, Ashland Locke had other plans. 

Adam Newman was sitting at this desk working when Sally busted in carrying a tablet. Before he could even greet his girlfriend, she shoved the tablet in his face and told him to watch the video pulled up. It was titled Newman Heiress Arrested for Fraud. The CEO watched his older sister being led out of Society by their brother-in-law multiple times.

"I tried to tell her she committed fraud, but she refused to listen." Adam explained. He was feeling conflicted; while he loved watching Victoria actually pay for something, he couldn't help but feel bad. She was a victim of Ashland Locke's and he knew that the Lockeness monster was just getting started.

Sally, sensing the conflict, went to give Adam a supportive hug. He pulled her onto his lap and kissed her. "Adam, you tried to warn Victoria, she refused to listen. That's on her. You did everything you could."

"I know." Adam sighed. "She's just so damn stubborn."

"Must run in the family." Sally joked, causing Adam to give her a sly smile.

"Ha ha." The couple kissed again before Adam leaned back in his chair, choosing to live in the moment with his girlfriend and their unborn child.

Victoria's House

"Thank you for letting me know. Yes, absolutely no hard feelings. Business is business." Victoria said to the fourth investor who had called her to back out of their deal. Apparently, Ashland Locke was a bigger selling point than she realized. The ice princess slammed the phone down in frustration. Despite what the Newman family was led to believe the contracts hadn't been signed. An excuse the investors, most of whom were friends of Ashland, took to bail on Victoria and her new company. Add in her arrest for fraud and she knew that her dream company was over.

Cursing herself for her own stupidity and arrogance, Victoria needed a new plan and she needed one quickly. 'Think Victoria, think. You are a Newman, you don't need anyone to be successful.' The businesswoman thought to herself as a pep talk. There was the option of completely funding the company herself, but if it failed, not only would she have to face Adam and Victor, she'd be out millions of dollars. That option was quickly dismissed.

Suddenly a light bulb went off. Adam didn't deserve Newman. Newman belonged to her, she was Victor's first born. Since she couldn't run her new company, she decided she wanted her old job back. There was no one more qualified or dedicated to Newman than her. That display Sally Spectra made at the Newman Fourth of July proved that. And if she couldn't live out her dream, then Adam couldn't have his either.

Newman Enterprises

Victoria confidently barged into the c-suite at Newman. Adam was working at his desk when he heard the door slam open. He looked up to see his sister and groaned, 'what did she want?'

"Hello Victoria." Adam struggled to be polite for a minute before just giving up. "What do you want? And make it fast I don't have time for another monologue."

Victoria smirked at her brother's irritation; this was going to be fun. "Well, you're in luck, I don't have one prepared." She took a deep breath just to annoy him. "I wanted to thank you for not running Newman into the ground and for keeping my seat warm for me. Your services are no longer needed, the true heiress is back." Adam stared at his sister in utter disbelief. 'What in the hell was she talking about?'

"I thought you had a whole new company to run. What happened to that? Did you fail already? That must be a new record."

"No, I didn't fail. I decided to go in a different direction."

"The investors backed out without Locke being involved, didn't they? Add in the arrest for fraud and grand larceny and you don't look like an attractive prospect anymore. Am I right?" He smirked at Victoria's scowl, yep, he was right. "I mean, I can't blame them. You're probably about to go to prison."

Victoria scoffed in disgust. "Like you're one to talk. Didn't you try to blow the family up?"

Adam's eyes narrowed at that, "I stopped myself, unlike you. You know I was actually feeling sorry for you, but that's over now."

"Oh no, whatever shall I do without your support? I can't go on."

"I can't wait to visit you in the pen."

"You going to give me some prison survival tips?"

"Anything for a fellow felon."

The two siblings glared at each other in a stalemate."Where is Dad? I told him to meet me here." Victoria asked to change the subject. She wanted to see the look on Adam's face when Victor kicked him out.

"Don't know, but it doesn't matter. Dad can't help you. You see, when I took over for you, I signed a contract that made me CEO for the next three years. I cannot be removed from office without board approval." Adam explained, watching the smug smirk slowly fall from Victoria's face. "If you haven't noticed, the stock is the highest it has ever been. Our profits have increased more in my first quarter than they have in your last three. Then there's the video of you bashing not only Victor and me, but Newman as whole. And again I must mention your arrest for fraud and grand larceny. So, tell me why, the board would kick me out in favor of you?"

Adam leaned back in his chair as the full gravity of the situation sunk in for Victoria. He smirked as he watched her realize that this time getting what she wanted wouldn't be so easy. Victoria was stunned, Adam really covered his bases this time around. She didn't know why she was so surprised. But Victoria had a secret weapon... their father.

"But Dad has the final say, Dad can kick you out." she said with more confidence than she felt.

"Oh, did I forget to mention that Dad signed this contract as well? Because he did, so technically his hands are tied. He couldn't help you even if he wanted to." Adam replied with a satisfied smirk. Damn, it felt good to win.

This did throw Victoria for a loop. She really thought that she could count on Victor. Why on Earth would Victor sign this document, what did Adam have on him? "There is no way that Dad would sign that."

"But I did sign it." Both Newman kids turned to the open doorway to see a concerned Victor. He didn't like to walk in on his children fighting, but he knew that this moment was inevitable. The mustache sighed as he entered the office and shut the door. "Your brother is right sweetheart; he is CEO for the next three years. And with the stock and profits being up, I cannot see the board replacing him anytime soon."

Victoria was furious, how could everything go so wrong? She looked back and forth between her apologetic father and her egotistical brother. She didn't know who she hated more at that moment. Gathering her things, she stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind. Victor and Adam watched her leave, feeling quite different emotions.

"Well, it was nice of her to stop by." Adam quipped. Victor just glared half-heartily at his son. As badly as he felt for Victoria, she made this bed now she had to lie in it.  

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