Victor and His Usual Shenanigans

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Newman Media Offices

Sally Spectra was sitting at her desk snacking on some saltines while she read over some documents. The crackers were one of the few foods she could keep down; this morning sickness was getting annoying. The young CEO froze mid-bite when she heard a knock at her office door. She looked up to see a disgruntled Victor Newman standing in the doorway. She dropped her cracker, brushed herself off and stood up to greet Victor. The mustache stepped into the office and closed the door behind him; it was time for him to have a one-on-one chat with Ms. Spectra. To her credit, Sally knew that this conversation was coming.

"Victor, hello. What can I do for you?" Sally politely asked.

"I heard that you got yourself pregnant. I had to congratulate you in person" Victor bluntly stated; as if he was daring her to contradict him.

"Well, technically Adam got me pregnant, so..." she trailed off in her rebuttal. Victor bristled at her statement, clearly, he was not a fan.

"We both know that you got pregnant on purpose. You wanted to trap my son, make sure that he would not leave you. Adam would never allow the mother of his child to be left with nothing."

"No, we do not both know that I got pregnant on purpose. Contrary to what you think, I didn't trap Adam. I love him and we are having a baby together. Yes, it wasn't planned, but our child is very much loved and wanted." Sally told the old man. "I know that you don't like it, but it's happening. Now, I would love for you to be a part of this child's life, but that is up to you. I will not stand for you insulting me to my face or to my child."

Victor chuckled, he had to admire this girl's courage. More important people than her had trouble standing up to him. Still, he believed that she was using his son to better her own situation. He would not allow his son to be used by another opportunist, Chelsea was bad enough.

"That was a beautiful speech Ms. Spectra, however I don't believe you. I saw what you did to my granddaughter last year. You will do anything to come out ahead. You took advantage of the soft spot my son has for you, and I will not allow my son to be used."

"Believe whatever you want, I don't care. Adam knows the truth and that is all that matters. Now if you don't mind, I have a meeting to get to" Sally calmly dismissed Victor from her office. The mustache once again chuckled to himself. This lady had some nerve dismissing him from an office that he owned. 

"I'll go. But this conversation is not over." The old man declared, waving his pointer finger in her direction. As he shut the office door, Sally sat back down in her chair with a deep groan of frustration. God that man was infuriating. She eyed her phone on the desk, wondering if she should inform Adam of his father's visit.

'Sally, you are a grown adult, you don't need Adam to fight your battles for you' 'Yes, but you're fighting for two now' she argued with herself. 'Besides this is his child too, he should know what crap his father is spewing. You handled that fossil just fine, Adam's just back up. You're a team and teammates don't keep secrets from each other.' Coming to a decision, Sally picked up her phone to call Adam. He could do whatever he wanted with the information.

The Newman Ranch

Adam was fuming as he drove to the ranch, his vision blurred red. How dare Victor take it upon himself to confront Sally? Sally didn't need to be confronted; she had done nothing wrong. He stormed into the living room to see Victor sitting in his chair texting someone.

"Dad!" he shouted at his father. "We need to talk now"

Victor looked up to see a very annoyed looking Adam glaring at him. He pulled his glasses off his face as he massaged his temples; he should have known that Sally would tattle on him. "Your girlfriend told you about our little chat, didn't she?"

"Of course, she told me, dad. We don't keep secrets from each other. She thought that I would want to know what my father thinks of her and her pregnancy. What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that I am your father. And it is my job to protect you from embarrassing yourself or being taken advantage of."

"First, I am not being taken advantage of nor am I embarrassed. Second, I didn't ask for your protection. I don't want your help. And third, you need to mind your own business."

Victor huffed, "What did this Sally what's her name tell you I said?"

"Spectra, dad. Her name is Sally Spectra; she is the CEO of your media division and more importantly the mother of your newest grandchild. She is going to be sticking around, so I would get used to saying her name if I were you."

Victor smirked; he was almost proud of his son for standing up to him. Unfortunately, he was doing it in defense of Sally. Why could his son not see how this woman was using him? He thought it was obvious. "Son, this girl trapped you! She took advantage of your misplaced faith in her and got herself pregnant. Why can you not see that!?"

"Because she didn't trap me. She didn't get pregnant on purpose, okay? I was there when she found out, she was just as surprised as I was."

"She was surprised that her plan actually worked, Adam. Wake up!" Victor snapped back.

Adam felt a headache coming on. "Dad, for the last time Sally didn't get pregnant to trap me. I am getting tired of defending my relationship with Sally to you. So, for now on please keep all comments about my personal life to yourself. I don't care what you think. Connor and my new child are more important than trying and failing to please you." Adam started to walk out of the living room, before he left, he turned back around to say one more thing.

"Oh, and Dad." Victor raised an eyebrow. "Never take it upon yourself to confront Sally for her alleged crimes again. I don't need or want you stressing out Sally right now. We are having a baby together, get over it." Adam stared down Victor before walking out of the living room to head back to the office.

The old man poured himself a scotch, his son's stubbornness was exhausting and made him need a drink. Victor sat in his chair chuckling to himself. If Adam wanted to attach himself to the dressmaker, that was his business. Victor refused to fall for her lies, and he wished that his son was smart enough to do the same.  

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